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Arsehole of Cyclists

The collective noun for Lycra clad cyclists that herd together on the road blocking traffic and acting like their shit doesnโ€™t stink.

Iโ€™m sorry I was late to the meeting, I got stuck behind an arsehole of cyclists that held traffic up for 8 miles.

by Pork Almighty August 25, 2019

ninja cyclist

someone who operates a bicycle in dark or low light conditions with no lights or reflectors and usually wearing dark clothing. Ninja cyclists typically ride against traffic and/or on sidewalks in violation of local laws.

(after slamming on brakes) "I didnt even see that ninja cyclist blow that stop sign. I could have hit him"

by Bike Man November 3, 2009

keen cyclist

Someone that owns or once owned a bicycle but rarely (if ever) used it. They will often refer to their keenness for cycling when stepping in on a debate between motorist and cyclist to offer support to the motorist.

The keen cyclists main objective is to provide backup for motorists and tell actual cyclists they are wrong.

"As a keen cyclist myself I disagree. Itโ€™s important cyclists know how to share road with drivers."

by Not a keen cyclist August 12, 2021

nuisance of cyclists

A group of three or more cyclists gathering or travelling on a public road.

As used when describing a "Flock of birds", "School of fish", etc

He was late for work as he encountered a "Nuisance of cyclists" blocking the road.

by LadyQ7 January 18, 2012

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cyclist's shower

When you're on your push bike and the car in front washes their windscreen and you get covered in screen wash.

I got a lovely cyclist's shower on the way into work this morning

by mikestreety September 19, 2017

Cyclist tipping

When a cyclist stops at a junction or red light and tries to keep balance without placing feet on ground. Very similar to cow tipping, window down and push.

โ€œDude, You see him trying to keep balance on peddles........roll down window.......fucking CYCLIST TIPPING is AWESOME!!!! Stupid peddle wanker!!โ€

by Iwannariot March 14, 2019

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Trick Cyclist


He was advised to see a Trick Cyclist

by Brad Scott October 10, 2003

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