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Bad Decision

A drink that is and leads to bad decisions. It's Red Bull and Tequila

What are you in the mood for? Bad Decisions!

by Charlotte Baller July 25, 2020

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decision fatigue

When you are required to make so many decisions in your work life you no longer can make simple decisions in your private life.

He could not decide on what or where he wanted to eat dinner because Kris had decision fatigue.

by helliot September 21, 2011

Pour Decision

Decisions made while drunk. They usually end poorly.

Made famous by the Real McKenzies song.

P1: "How did Billy end up in the hospital?"
P2: "He snuck into the panda exhibit at the zoo."
P1: "Why the hell did he do that?"
P2: "It was a pour decision."

by Russell Hell November 15, 2009

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bad decisions

Are the root cause of most fun. And the impetus for almost every Epic story any dude has ever had anywhere. Also occasionaly responsible for unemployment or death.

I went out with the guys last night and made some bad decisions. It was fucking awesome. I still have that one Girls shoe.

by BadJohn April 16, 2007

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Rookie Decision

1. A poorly made decision
2. To decide stupidly.
3. Insult to newbies.

"Wow, what a rookie decision that was"
"Rooooookie Decision"

by Jipes Masta March 5, 2006

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executive decision

Everyone wants to do something or go somewhere, but no one has strong opinions about what to do. One person thus decides arbitrarily for the whole group.

A: You guys want to go get food?
Everyone: Sure.
A: Where?
Everyone: Don't care.
A: Executive decision: Thai food?
Everyone: Yeah, fine.

by qweqwe321 May 17, 2011

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business decision

In sports, choosing not to go all out on a defensive play for fear of injury or replay humiliation.

"LeBron simply backed off as Rose emphatically dunked the ball towards. Had he not made that business decision, he surely would have been posterized."

Guy: "Did you see that, D'angelo Hall didn't even try to tackle Gronkowski as he dragged two defenders into the endzone!?"
Dude: "He couldn't have stopped him, he had to make a business decision."

by Bama Self January 13, 2012

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