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Creem Deem

A "creem deem" is a slang term used to describe a large amount of cannabis smoke that is inhaled via a bong/water pipe. The smoker will light the bowl and slowly inhale for a long period of time. The smoke in the pipe accumulates and quickly turns milky white as it becomes more and more dense. This is called a "creem deem".

"OMG! Check out that creem deem in john's tube."

"Ohhh that ones definately a creem deem!"

by Mattyboy123 November 21, 2009

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Christ (Deemed to be) University

The act of torturing someone to an extent that they are more afraid of you than death

Bro, Hitler pulled such a Christ (Deemed to be) University on Jewish people.

by Koolkoolaid March 28, 2020

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Christ (Deemed to be) University

A tyrannical empire established and existing for reasons unknown.

Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when Christ (Deemed to be) University attacked.

by _abraxas_ December 15, 2020

deemed clinically inappropiate

This is the get out clause that is used by doctors practicing medicine when they dont want to give you something, but dont have a real reason.

This phrase becomes mandatory so the average idiot will accept this as a genuine reason, the doctor being several steps up in the social ladder, where to argue with authority is wrong.

lady visits the doctors with severe pains in her back

lady: "Doc, my back is really hurting, I need some painkillers or something"
doc: "im afraid I cant do that for you"
lady: "why not? Im in pain, gimme the pain killers!"
doc: "Ordinarily I would, but on this occasion its deemed clinically inappropiate"
lady: "oh, ok then I guess"

lady gets back home

husband:"did you get help for your back"
lady: "no, it still really hurts, im going to try laying down"
husband: "why didnt u ask for some painkillers"?
lady: "I did, but the doc said it was clinically inappropiate"
husband: "oh that is medical jargon meaning they dont want to give anything. I will get you a hot water bottle instead"

by Foot Juice Solutions May 17, 2010

deems land

The place you go to when you blast off on DMT. Other sources, such as spiritual ones, may call it "the other side" or even "the museum of conciouseness.".

Dude, you would never believe what I saw in deems land last night.

by Steinchug September 24, 2017

Jeff Deem

To act like a big deal than to act like a bitch when you get called on your bull shit

Yo u acting like jeff deem

by Fatkid1985 September 21, 2022

miss deems

The finest teacher alive has been smashed by the overlord jonagay a multitude of times.

Oh my goodness did you see how miss deems got smashed by jonagays 6.7 inch cock!?

by Msdeemsissofine February 26, 2020