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dirty blow whore

A female that will do just about anything to acquire cocaine. She usually doesn’t hold the best hygiene and her top priority is getting high on coke. She usually doesn’t hold a primary residence, she just goes party to party trying to get high. A standard deal is getting a BJ for a gram.

Dude 1: hey I noticed at that party u went in the downstairs bedroom with that dirty blow whore for a while.

Dude2: yeah I traded her a half gram for a handy.

Dude 1: not surprised. That chick will do anything for a line of coke.

by Cheetoman69er December 30, 2017

Whore Dirty

A very classy way of calling someone a filthy disgusting whore. This is mainly in adjective form.

Did you see that fucking bitch's blouse? That was as whore dirty as you can get, she smelled like cum!

by Jordan the Genius February 5, 2005

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Someone who dies their hair platinum blonde constatly, sleeps with many men- goes to the clap clinic alot, loves drugs and raves.

They can also be very into animals and vegitarianism e.g horses and grass

Whoooaaa man, that girl is a dirty scene whore!!

by anudimog April 5, 2009

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Dirty coke whore

An women who I dirty and has not been in the shower for a long thine and love coke and is a whore

Have u heard the song dirty coke whore it is so good

by Janse October 3, 2019

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dirty pirate whore mouth

A derogatory phrase that implies the subject has an unclean oral orifice and uses said unclean orifice to perform oral acts with persons who may commit or have committed illegal acts or violence at sea.

"You shut your dirty pirate whore mouth! Yea, I said it."

by Facetious Lady September 2, 2008

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Filthy Dirty Ranga Whore

A filthy dirty ranga whore is someone who is orange haired and acts like a dickhead, and normally whores himself out to other men.

Jackson is a Filthy Dirty Ranga Whore, and normally bullies Lorelai because she is normal and not weird.

by LOZZAA April 6, 2023

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dirty little cum whore

A woman who regularly has cravings for men's seamen in their mouth and loves swallowing.

My Girlfriend Is A Dirty Little Cum Whore

by Fuckboy2000 December 27, 2016

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