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Don Draper

Verb; to handle a situation, mostly negative situations, in the most efficient, graceful and ruthlessly badass way possible to ensure the best outcome for oneself and the worst outcome for one's enemies. Slang: to treat women like disposable objects for sexual pleasure.

"You're going to drop me, Lucky Strike? That's fine, I'll just Don Draper your ass with a full page add in the paper."

"That Megan secretary is so hot, I'mma Don Draper THAT!"

by DouchebagGalore August 24, 2011

102๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Draper Utah

suburb of slc. rich men and hot moms. full of MILF's and stuck up teenagers with their parents amex and brand new cars. nothing wrong with that.

Draper Utah

by princesshai December 15, 2010

79๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Draper drawer

n. A drawer containing information such as letters, deeds, and photographs about one's sordid past or secret identity; inspired by Don Draper from the hit TV show Mad Men

Once his old lady found his Draper drawer, she filed immediately for divorce

by Joan Holloway November 19, 2009

Don Draper

Bad motherfucking ad man from the show Mad Men. Enjoys such pastimes as drinking scotch at work, making chauvinistic comments to women, and getting laid whenever he pleases. An American icon.

Yo, I got myself a new "WWDDD" bracelet, so whenever I'm unsure I can ask myself What Would Don Draper Do? and it's all good.

by slevin_123 December 13, 2008

408๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emma Draper

Emma's are pretty easy to find but it's hard to find the right one. You know for sure it's the right type of Emma when: they're extremely kind, put themselves before others, usually have brown hair and brown eyes and usually choose to be friends with people that have brown hair & eyes too. Emma's always try to stay out of drama but would defend their friends in a heartbeat. They are very pretty and smart human beings and usually have bad eyesight. They sometimes burn your arm and decide to ditch you in English, where you sit by yourself for a few days but it seems like your whole life passes away when she's not there. Emma's are people you always want to be around and they are very fun people that would help you with anything and make you feel extremely special.

"really, but she's so nice"
"yeah fine, she can get away with it because she's so nice"
"I love emma."

by blossom_5423789 March 4, 2022

Draper Breath

1) The strong wreak of booze on a professional's (lawyer, doctor, ad man) breath before sun down on work days only.

2) A level of halitosis only reached by beginning drinking brown liquor circa 10:30am and not stopping all work day long.

3) Of or relating to Don Draper and his breath, at the office on the show Mad Men. Considering he drinks all day, it must be just awful.

That fool Cap'n Quint really tied one on all day and then stumbled home to his wife and sick child with a serious case of Draper Breath.

by Cap'n Quint December 8, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Don Drapers

Another word for testicles

"Did you hear about Kenny? He got kicked in the Don Drapers."

by Tdog13 February 20, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž