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Completing a turn while purposly inducing oversteer on the car by loosing traction in the rear tires. (used to gain maximum speed entering and exiting a turn by aiming the centrifugal force of the car towards the inside of the turn)

"A that cars going sideways!"
"Das drifting"

by Archilles May 8, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


I have seen "The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift" and they show what drifting is in the movie. Drifting is apparently going really, really fast, so fast, in fact, that you burn up your tires and careen haphazardly into other cars and/or buildings and/or pedestrians, all in a puff of smoke!

lame girl: "I think drifting is so cool! It makes my tires smoke and then I crash into things!"
smart girl: "You must have a really boring life, dweeb."

by nastina June 24, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


carsport originated in Japan. The car must be a rice rocket, and the driver spins it sideways in entering curves.
alorra hotties watch this kinda of sport in beautiful Cali.
the cars and the drivers that drive them are both called 'drifters', so take note, k?

The drift posers ( mismatched wheels ) are a plus for drifting .

by hytham_hammer July 6, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


a very awesome but not so smart thing to do in ones car. to purposely and controllably make one's tires slip while turning a corner. this is done to achieve the highest possible exit speed of a corner.

my brother was drifting in his skool parking lot and hit a snowbank/holy crap that guy did a 4 wheel drift in the rain

by driftmonkey May 25, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Drifting is NEVER the fastest way around a corner unless the optimal line is for whatever reason unatainable (i.e. theres a car in your way; potholes or other poor driving surfaces; you just messed up and missed the entry point) or track conditions don't allow for good lines (see Rally racing, the original drifters)

2) Drifting IS usefull in race-type situations, on the street and on the track, to rotate the car and achieve a better corner line than would otherwise be possible.

3) Power oversteer is NOT drifting unless all 4 wheels slip during some part of the turn. Otherwise, it's just power oversteer, and a damn handy tool to have when you need to rotate yourself or hit something.

4) There is NOTHING wrong with initiating a slide with the e-brake, despite what people will tell you. Especially in a front-drive car. If it's good enough for Petter Solberg, it's good enough for me.

5) Drifting IS fun. Hell, any reason to go sideways while throwing up clouds of smoke is something that every enthusiast should jump on.

6) Contrary to #5, it is NOT cool to try drifting through your quiet suburban neighborhood at any tim, because that is how idiots with more horsepower than brains end up hitting people/trees/cats/lawn gnomes etc.

And remember, racing on the street is stupid. If you can't find a road course in your area, try empty parking lots, otherwise stay home.

Rally drivers use drifting techniques to drive back-country roads at speeds that would leave you very dead.

by Eternityinabox June 13, 2006

558๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you are high enough to the point where you don't speak and your actions are subconsciously done to get you through the high.

"Hey, Zack hasn't said a thing all night"
"Yeah, he's probably just drifting"

by HoneyCombperk June 2, 2013

48๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Drift: What your mind does after some real good weed.

by Shmivel August 24, 2003

391๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž