Source Code


generic coolness, awesomeness, shizzle, tightness, ballaness, and hotness

Damn! That game was mad dunk!

by Big Mickey March 3, 2004

6πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


1) A cross between a blade of grass and a stop sign.
2) A measurement of weed. Not very common.

Patt Menna loves a big giant dunk.

by Girit Robbins November 6, 2005

6πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


to hang out with your cute, little best friend (BFF).

Heidi and I were dunking today!
Would you like to dunk today?
I love how we dunked yesterday!
Have you noticed how we dunker a lot more than they do?

by Blaine Greenawalt December 3, 2007

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Hydraulic system on a car

"Damn, you got you a dunk huh?"

by AbRaKaDaVa April 16, 2003

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Dunk is a combination of Dumb And Bunk.

Drew - "Kale, you're really dunk."

by Squiddy. April 27, 2006

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Dunked on

To own someone with words, or to make them look foolish.

Raul don't be a dumb mother fu€£er.... bitch got dunked on

by IIIXXVII July 27, 2017

111πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

dunked on

To perform the act of dunking on someone during their everyday routine. You can dunk on anyone, by athletically hitting an overhang with either one or both hands and hitting the person getting dunked on with your body, hip, side or shoulder.

It can be a surprise attack and is meant to throw the other person off balance.

You can dunk on overhead stairs, a door overhang or any entrance to a room.

Did you see how hard rog "dunked on" cam?

J, go "dunk on" shaq, lo or devora they are slouched!

Fitz just got Dunked on.

Brian and Jack "dunked on" patrick at least 50 times last night!

by relbik August 22, 2010

112πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž