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Ei is so amazing and beautiful and will always be the most hardworking person. Ei likes to eat a lot. Ei has troubles in her life but overcomes it by being the bigger person

β€œEi is such an amazing girl

by Chelsie108 May 5, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Having large round wide-open eyes. Commonly associated with being in a state of hypnosis or shock.

The child sat saucer-eyed in front of the T.V. for hours.

by lenman12 April 10, 2010

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Gee eyed

To become dangerously intoxicated beyond the realm of reason.

Lord, I was in Mojo's last night, and I was gee eyed walking home

by Dave7g December 9, 2005

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dreamy eyed

Another way of saying you're high. As in your vision is a little hazy and/or fuzzy like the vision in dreams. Zoned out

I am officially dreamy eyed.

*passes the bong*

by Theravada October 27, 2015

Paris eyed

To have a wonky,droopy eyelid like Paris Hilton. Common causes are being constantly drunk or doped or one too many jizz shots in the eye.

Tragically,many stroke victims are left Paris eyed.

by wolfbait51 April 17, 2011

46πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Franco Eyed

When you’re so fuckin baked that your eyes are squinted, like James Franco in Pineapple Express

Damn, Jerry’s so fried he’s Franco Eyed!

by Mikè January 26, 2023

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Eyes that are small, red, moist and beady, usually from exhaustion, allergies, hangover, crying, pot-smoking, illness or just having unfortunate genetics. The effect is generally unpleasant, undesirable and even creepy.

The word also functions as a metaphor for misery, exhaustion, malaise and any of the various conditions that would make one gull-eyed.

"Gerry said he didn't drink much last night, but he was looking pretty gull-eyed this morning."

"I told her the baby was cute, but it was actually gull-eyed and ugly."

"I was feeling pretty gull-eyed all week. I still can't believe my dad is dead."

"You're out of weed, are you? I don't know - you're looking pretty gull-eyed to me!"

by frickinmuck March 3, 2010