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The most horrible and terrifying thing to ever be created. This shit deserves to be in the pits of tartarus. You can die on that shit. I absolutely hate this shit

Friend: hey wanna go on the escalator?
Me: I would rather die

by Thatweirdgay March 31, 2023

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The Escalator

The Escalator is an act of sexual prowess. It is also form of The Bulldozer where you run the girl up and down a set of stairs until she cooperates, and does what she is told. This is the ultimate demeaning act of sex that you can do to your partner. Just be warned, going up the stairs is a lot harder than you may think. So be a gentleman and buy that bitch some knee pads.

Suzie: "Where did you get all those bruises from?"
Dana: "I got them last night, Jon wanted to try The Escalator out."

by Kyle Rosekrans August 9, 2007

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A stupid person, a retard. If you're still not sold just put your tongue between your front teeth and say 'Escalator!'

Woah, I just missed my mouth with my beer, what an escalator!

by Muddy Trump March 17, 2011

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Queen of escalation

A reference to Taylor Hebert from Wildbow's "Worm" Alia 'Skitter', 'Weaver', K̵͚͕͈̺̖̈́͂́͝͝ê ͍̠̹̳̬̂̍̾̕̕þ̵̣̟̲̹̆̃̉͛̀͜h ͕͔̭͉͛̈́͒̆͘ͅṛ̴̨̣̗͕͂̄̉̌̌ï ͍̮̺͕̹́̑͂͐̉

A God once tried to kill Skitter. I don't see any gods around here, do you?
Yes, the queen of escalation escalated against god. And won.

Once, the queen of escalation tried to deescalate and surrendered to the lawful authorities. Over the next twelve hours, she killed one of the most powerful heroes in the world and a decorated military officer, and forced the evacuation of a square mile of city. She got a medal for it.

by Bug Bug Bug Bug Bug November 27, 2021

relationship escalator

The social expectation that a romantic relationship should automatically follow a set of steps and lead to marriage, parenthood, and home ownership. This term is used primarily by people who want to get "off the escalator," who want to judge the success of relationships by criteria other than how smoothly and automatically the relationship gets more serious.

One sample template is "Meet someone > Dating > Sex > Move in together > Get married > Have kids"

Doing these things out of order is being off the relationship escalator: if you have sex on a first date, many people think your relationship can't, or shouldn't, eventually become more serious. If you move in with someone, moving back out again usually means that the relationship is over. Being polyamorous or participating in other kinds of non-monogamy is also being off the relationship escalator.

We broke up because he wanted to be on the relationship escalator, and I prefer to live alone.

Your dating profile suggests you're not on the relationship escalator, so you need to explain specifically what you're looking for.

by Enuja July 13, 2013

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Mayonnaise On An Escalator

Mayonnaise On An Escalator! Its Going Upstairs So See Ya Later. Bye Bye! To The Sky!

Dumb Human: Tf is Mayonnaise On An Escalator??

Epic Human: Mayonnaise On An Escalator. Its Going Upstairs So See Ya Later. Bye Bye! To The Sky!

Dumb Human: Oh Epic
Now Epic human: I am epic now YEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

by Orba April 12, 2021

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Walking Escalator

n. A person who is unable to perform simple tasks and rendered to be virtually retarded.

My father gave me a toothbrush for lunch telling me to eat fresh. God damn walking escalator.

by MyBassIsSlippery April 26, 2018