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caustic euphemism

A substitute word or phrase that, while constructed to be socially more acceptable, drastically subtracts from the legitimate intent and purpose of the original.

So, how do we go from 'shell-shock' to 'battle-fatigue', from 'old dude' to 'senior citizen', from 'rape victim' to 'unconsenting intimacy participant'? Because our culture thrives on caustic euphemism: The dumbed-down, homogenized, neutralized language of the mindless majority who want it that way...

by YAWA August 19, 2019

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Dated (Euphemism)


When used in blogging or chat, "Dated(euphemism)" is used to mock, criticize, or show dislike for a couple who are going out.

The euphemism in parenthesis is a way to give your opinion that there is/was no love in the relationship, but rather it is/was just based on sex and lust.

It is a very mean thing to write about another person, (but funny)

Can be used in present, past, or future tenses

A blog:

After John Doe broke up with Jane last week, he Dated (Euphemism) his new neighbor Jessica. Surprisingly, the relationship did not last.

by DEL83183 April 19, 2009

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reverse euphemism

A "reverse euphemism" is a euphemism that works in such a way as to poke fun at most euphemisms. For example, a euphemism for beating up freshmen is called a "hazing." A reverse euphemism for a place where freshmen were being beaten up would be a "genocide convention."

Bob: Oh, hey, school just let out and it's YMCA night, so I've gotta go take a shit.

Joe: What?

Bob: I mean I actually have to drop the kids off at the pool. Haven't you heard a reverse euphemism before?

by burdettb September 8, 2007

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Fanfiction Euphemism

Any word that means dick.

Length, member, are innocent words. Call it a wang if you want but a dick is a dick. Say dick. No fanfiction euphemisms.

by EasternEuropeanSlavLover June 15, 2021

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The Euphemism Generator

(N.) Hours of clean, curse-wordless fun! Made by old, cronie comic, George Carlin.

This weekend, I spent my time Waxing the Poetic Gecko.

by G-Union October 21, 2003

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half-assed euphemism

A poorly phrased or misspoken euphemism for comedic intent, or an unintended Freudian slip.

"Timmy is differently disabled" or "Susan has another bun in the uterus" are half-assed euphemisms.

A half-assed euphemism is a half-assed euphemism for a misspoken euphemism.

by Vizaeryon November 19, 2019


Having properties like a euphemism, using language that can be associated to euphemisms.

I feel like the book took a more euphemismic approach to explaining the sexual misconduct the young boy had during his promiscuous appetite .

by snowjunky555 February 24, 2010