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Eureka Seven

An awesome mecha anime that sometimes airs on Adult Swim. Consists of 50 episodes.

Drew: Eureka Seven was amazing last night!

Akoua: Yeah, it was awesome!

by Akoua-san January 24, 2008

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Eureka, California

A little city on the northern coast of California. Where redwoods and weed flourish a little ways outside city limits.

If you want go to Oregon from San Francisco, you gotta either go through Eureka, California or Redding, California.

by Jqoi Zunderlat October 20, 2020

Bilateral eureka

(This is the complete definition from my Ph.D. dissertation in 2003.)

"This is the Holy Grail of what, it seems, many daters are looking for. It's important that some "energy/feeling/connection" or "chemistry"

be present to develop rapport with a stranger. Habitual daters who are expecting to be swept off their feet with the next date may be missing this Eureka feeling by having unrealistic expectations. Many people seem to know in the first 15 minutes or so of a first meeting whether or not there is a future to the relationship, but it is hard to get to know a person that quickly. It's difficult for one person to be enchanted with the other person, and substantially more difficult for two strangers to both feel "eureka" when they meet the next stranger."

After having gone on lots of first blind dates over the last few months, he knew after just a few minutes that she was special. And she told him that she was just what she'd been looking for as well. It was as if the angels were singing when they met, and they both felt a rare and special warmth for each other that they hadn't felt on a first date in a long, long time. The sparks were there for both of them. They had found the elusive and wonderful "bilateral eureka" that makes people keep on dating until both have found that special, rare and amazing person. (Unless they've settled for someone less amazing!)

by Dr. RobertB, Ph.D. sexologist February 25, 2012

eureka springs

a tourist city in northwestern Arkansas. Filled with hippies and hicks. Often called the gay capital of the US. Its where everything is overpriced and every weekend there's an new event. Tourists come and listen to the homeless man preform but never tip. It looks like a nice place to live but all the locals know you either have to be poor or rich, there's no in between. The local shops although owned by families its just one big monopoly. Overall its quite beautiful and you will definitely find some of the most friendly and interesting people there. If you have or do live there you might not like to admit theres still a little hometown pride.

eureka springs is the funkiest town in arkansas

by Anomaly666 August 23, 2020

Eureka 7

Weird japanese Anime that involves Sky Boarding robots, People with green things in their chests, and a freaky blue haired girl (even though it looks AQUA) that turns into a Butterfly.

Eureka: Renton, your up!
Renton: You're beautiful!
Eureka: *Weird searching look*
Renton: Can i touch it?
Eureka: *Hides her butterflyness*
Eureka 7

by The Legendary Dark Knight December 6, 2007

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eureka 7

A japanese television series that consists of writers that are very saturated on {narcotics} and come out with demented ideas for the series, but to be safe in japan they call their illegal substance BONES. Hence the name of the producting company is named BONES.

Ako23, did you see that episode of eureka 7 it was on the BONES man!!

by xibt December 31, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eureka Poggers

The feeling of when you accomplish solving a difficult problem using your big brain.

Einstein: *Proves his Theory of Relativity right
Also Einstein: Eureka Poggers

by iMmA_rAgE_qUiT7727 August 14, 2021

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