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A crapy contest of unknown dumb-ass signers who think they are cool, the whole Europe can see them.
Nevertheless, hosting this stupid singers' competition is good for advertising "developing" countries like Turkey (in 2004) and Ukraine (2005).
By the way, Ukraine is now hosting the 50th Eurovision contest, and it should ve the best of all.

Aasdsdsfdsfdasf dasfdasf f f

by KroLL May 13, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž

Junior Eurovision

a contest alongside adult eurovision where kids from all over europe sing "cute" songs and always overrated songs win. the only good winner was wings in 2017 i think and kinda 2021 armenia

Polina deserved the win in junior eurovision 2017

by :|:|:|:|:|:||:|: January 27, 2022

21๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eurovision fan

There are few types of Eurovision fans:
1. Drama queen- Fan who is following Eurovision song contest (musical-political contest which is held annually in Europe) and also national selections for ESC of every country in Europe, usually peaceful introverted person who becomes hysterically obsessed and easily triggered drama queen during February-May every year.

Recognized by red eyes because of non sleeping since he watched 3rd round of selections in Lithuania last night, freaking out if live stream is not working, hysterical if he's favourite didn't win national selection, making own top lists, using of exaggerated expressions for lame songs and mediocre singers, such as ''queen, slay, bop'', as well as expressions ''it's my 5th place'' (as if anyone cares about that), tbh, just saying, hater, amazing, it will flop, it will surprise, throwing shade, realness, mark my words, etc.
2. Nationalist- cheering only for songs from their country and bashing others, arguing and trolling online, often connected with hate speech. When their song don't qualify it is always because of politics and conspiracy theories.

3. Eurovision fan- minority, enjoying contest and music, connect with annually slogans such as ''come together, celebrate diversity, building bridges''etc., idealistically believe that Eurovision is all about that.

Drama queen: I can't believe that (person X) didn't win national selection, that (person Y) will be disaster, mark my words! What they were thinking!
Nationalist 1: As if (country X) ever send any good songs, they should be lucky that their crap country is even in this contest!
Nationalist 2 (to Nationalist 1): You must be idiot from (country Y), I can smell you from miles away, can't wait to watch you cry when we qualify!
Eurovision fan: Guys, can we just, please, enjoy the contest?

by Ariela Mordor July 3, 2018

eurovision 2022



by :|:|:|:|:|:||:|: April 9, 2022

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eurovision 2023

The year that everyone realized that the voting system needed to be reformed because the winning song wasn't the people's chosen song. Kรครคrijรค > Loreen forever cha cha cha

Hey man, I'm disappointed with the results of Eurovision 2023 because Cha Cha Cha was 2nd place.

by its_crazy_its_party June 17, 2023

Eurovision Depression

An experience that nearly every Eurovision fan goes through. They usually go through this from the end of the Eurovision Song Contest to either Early September or Mid-December. This has basically become a yearly tradition within the Eurofandom and has caused some very shocking results on twitter

Person 1: Where's Millie?
Person 2: She's depressed because she doesn't have anything to fulfil her sadness from the end of the Eurovision season. The Eurovision depression is getting to her head.

by Solovey June 3, 2022

eurovision song


wit colours yer eurovision song

by jordyDful December 29, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž