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Fairfax High School

Fairfax High School is a sorry excuse for a high school. also known as white trash school... where a bunch of niggas fuck all the busted ass fairfax bitches because the only hot bitches there party with WT Woodson dudes because they dont want to be categorized with fairfax highschool... basically its a school where a bunch of blacks and asians call their 'ghetto' and where the bitches don't stand up when confronted

*after a 2005 Fairfax High School bball game vs wtw (wtw won)*
FHS bitch - you guys fucking suck
WTW beauty - you are fucking BUSTED
FHS bitch - say that to my face and step
WTW beauty - (to her face) "you're fucking DISGUSTING, BITCH"
FHS bitch - yea well you're like fat (and gets in her car)


by wtwbeauty October 13, 2005

21👍 46👎

Fairfax High School

Fairfax High School is a school with 80% Asian, 10% Negro's, 9.9% Whites and 0.1% Togoldor Dashtseren.

Kid 1"Dude, Fairfax High School is full of Asians."
Kid 2"FOBs!"
Kid 1"Asian Invasion"
Kid 2"Fuck me"

by Togoldor Dashtseren January 5, 2010

7👍 17👎

Fairfax County Public Schools

A county that is supposedly one of the richest in the COUNTRY, yet fails to administer doors to classrooms and bathroom stalls or textbooks that aren't at least 8 years old unless you were born in the right year.

We have cash, but screw the kids!

by Biteme November 17, 2004

262👍 51👎

Trinity Christian School Fairfax VA

K-12 private school in Fairfax, VA where everyone is unusually short for their age. There is a high chance someone will hate you for no reason within your first week at this school.

Billy: Do you like Trinity Christian School Fairfax VA?
Tod: No. This school is so small and gay.
Billy: Agreed.

by zBlock289 October 20, 2021