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People who live life on the edge- without a mask!

This Christmas, I am going Anti-Fauci; I am having my fish dinner on Christmas Eve with my 38 first cousins!

by Maria more December 25, 2020

Full Fauci

When the power of Dr. Fauci is unleashed on the populace

The covid vaccination program in the UK is going β€œ full Fauci β€œ

by Cientifico December 14, 2020

dirty fauci

A Dirty Fauci is the act of performing oral sex while wearing a face mask with a hole cut in it for safe sex.

Ya bro. Your girl gave Steve a Dirty Fauci, but none of the droplets got in her hair.

by FlaudaFauci February 21, 2021

Fauci Effect

A fabricated term coined by the AAMC to explain an "increase" in medical school applications in 2020 when in reality 1) Completed medical school applications didn't increase 2) A recession prompted increase in higher education 3) The AAMC caused families to get COVID-19 by refusing to waive the MCAT or administer it virtually. So damage control.

The AAMC made up the Fauci Effect so students can take the MCAT and get on a ventilator a week later!

by mandyvikram December 12, 2020

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Declining to date someone because you don’t feel they’re taking COVID-19 seriously enough

If I had a nickel for every time I found myself fauci-ing someone this year, I could pay off my student loans.

by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020

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Fauci Fungus

A trendy new term to call the corona virus.

Man 1: Bro I think this damn fauci fungus has finally got ahold of me!!!
Man 2: The what got ahold of you?
Man 1: You know the Fauci Fungus it's been around now since 2019!!!
Man 2: Oh you mean the covid.

Man 1 : Man fuck calling it covid let's call it Fauci Fungus seems fitting right I mean creator should be reflected in the created. Plus that shit catchy.

Man 2: Yea bro you are right fauci fungus is pretty damn catchy. Bout as Catchy as Talkin Fauci!!!

by Stick1 January 29, 2022

Fauci Ouchie

A nickname for the Covid-19 vaccine referencing Dr. Anthony Fauci

I got my Fauci Ouchie today!

by Crrringe January 24, 2021

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