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fixie behro

typical slang for a male persians who have no life

Typical Persian: Fixie behro
Normal person: Fuck no

by nopersiansinbh November 29, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

fixie hipster

Spreading across the thoroughfares and avenues of gentrified and campus America; like an ungodly plague, the fixie hipster is sullying the image of cycling.

In layman's terms a fixie hipster describes the average hipster riding atop a fixed gear bicycle often termed as a fixie. Although the heritage of fixed gear cycling dates to professional couriers, messengers, and track cycling. It is unclear how this style of cycling became popular with fixie hipsters. However, it is generally believed that owning a fixed gear bicycle has been labeled "trendy" within hipster culture.

Lars: So I spent 300 dollars to get matte white Aerospokes on my pastel green fixie. It also has matching tape wrapped around the handlebars. It's the only way to ride these days. It's great when going across campus. It beats rolling around on those passรฉ free-wheelers.

Brett: Those are some nice decorations you got there Lars. What's the sprocket size on your bike?

Lars: umm 62....

Brett: Well, do you take it to the velodrome on the weekends? I bet that rig is pretty light. Real quick on the tracks!

Lars: uhh...I use it to go get a cappuccino.

Brett: Hey you might wanna put an additional braking mechanism on to decrease your braking distance. Don't wanna slam into things buddy.

Lars: Dude that'll destroy the minimalistic, bare bones aesthetic of my bike! It's a fixie bro! Besides I use my feet to brake for emergencies.

Brett: It's just for safety sake dude. Besides how the hell can you even ride a bike comfortably in those tight slacks and slip on shoes. God what a fixie hipster!

by Define Me! May 1, 2009

213๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fixie Pixie

Someone who rides fixed geared bikes.

Fixie pixies generally get their bikes stolen.

by A side loco May 18, 2008

59๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fixie Hunting

A form of pranking. Rules vary by area and participants, but fixie hunting generally refers to a game played by cyclists in which multi-geared bicycle riders "hunt" a metropolitan area for fixed gear riders out on a ride in order to torment or ridicule them. Since fixie riders are generally not as fit as other cyclists and their bikes have a set top speed, they are easy to catch up with, prank, then leave behind.

Activities may vary from a simple demeaning sprint past them, to squirting with water bottles, yelling, spanks on the butt or simply beating the shit out of them. Once said activity has been accomplished, the riders must escape from the now-angered fixie riders and find new fixie riders to torment. Rules vary, but in general most fixie hunters do not stop riding until they find riders to torment.

We went fixie hunting today and pissed off some hipsters.

by trutone August 20, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

fixie fag

A high-school boy within a fixie-riding clique.

Someone who rides a fixed gear bicycle.

This is not an insult, but neither is it a compliment.

"Adam is such a fixie fag."

by Each Peach Pear Plum April 21, 2009

53๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fixie faggot

A guy usually a Supreme Souls who wears a tool tank and rides a bike with no speeds and brakes as a trend. This bike and biker is usually colorful. Fixie faggots will often ride in packs.

Jay: " You see that fixie faggot loose?"

mike: " the one who ate shit to my Trek?"

by the_lifeguard November 16, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

fixie fag

Faggot little boys with small weaners who ride fixed gear bicycles. Usually caucasian and in the age group of 12-16.

Did you see that fixie fag

by loogies May 28, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž