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freaking out

while on drugs you suffer from extreme paranoia and think everyone knows you're stoned and you become obvious to anyone who knows you well because you talk oddly and speak about pointless and random things

Dude, never smoke headies your first time, you'll be freaking out!!

by WEHATEYOUFUCKOFF September 2, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Freaked out

To forcefully insert your testicles into a female's anus. Once the testicles have been snuggly positioned, one may even proceed to "flip the dick down the pussy" to heighten the sexual experience.

ex. 1) Freak dat bitch out then, Tone!

ex. 2) I told her, "spread 'em, bitch!" Then I put in my nuts in her ass. She said it wasn't her first time to be freaked out.

by Dud Beak March 24, 2008

72๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

freaked out

To be freaked out means to do Anything that Ho*es Do! Like being a rip or a slut.

Dat bit*h Shaneka freaked out!

by Elysea January 25, 2008

51๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that a person ( esp. a nunu) would do when someone/something loses a limb/goes wrong .

Person Y : What happened ?
Person N : I dont know , but im supposed to not freak out . I dont care , im not going to freak out this time.

Person Y: um , dude , your freaking-outing is scaring me.

Person N : And what am I supposed to do ? It's my thing !

by Bizki June 7, 2009

freshmen freak-out

when a freshmen in high school has absolutely no clue whatsoever how to get to a certain class or area. during this stressful process, they go crazy sprinting through the hallways and yelling about how big their school is. this happens most of the time when the bell rings beginning a new class period. Freshmen freak-outs occur in the first few months of high school, until the freshmen adjusts to his or her surroundings. freshmen freak-outs are usualy expressed in bitter anger.

Carl was having a total freshmen freak-out when the hallways were totaly jammed and he still had no idea where his english class was.

by hugmonsta May 12, 2010

ECE Freak-out

An episode of extreme emotion, typically anger and frustration, associated with the intense stresses brought on by being in the Electrical and Computer Engineering programs

"Bob had his ECE Freak-out! Hey threw his pencil down and stormed off yelling about his homework!"

by IOFT December 30, 2015

COD freak out

when you get shot in Call of Duty and die when you "totally should have killed him". freak outs usually include, but are not limited to, swearing, yelling, throwing of controllers, and yelling at your friends for distracting you when they where in the kitchen getting food.

Steve: WTF! i jus- i shoulda- GOD F***IN DAMMIT!

Joe: dude, stop having a COD freak out

by NEsnowboarder January 2, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž