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Getting away with murder by making it look like a justified killing or self defense.

I’m going to shoot the next stranger I come across and claim they assaulted me, it will be a freebie as I will claim self defense to avoid prosecution.

by Console Cowboy October 26, 2017

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


(noun) Something acquired through a Jewish way, as in, without the need to pay for it.

Mr. Goldstein goes to Costco every Sunday to get a freebie from food stands.

by marshypillo January 16, 2011

10πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


To give someone oral sex in exchange for hitting them for goosing you.

"Bitch y did u hit me, gimme my motherfuckin freebie"

by Mamabear1211 February 2, 2009

10πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The un-shelled sunflower seeds at the bottom of the bag. No work required... just pop em in your mouth and enjoy!

I love the freebies at the bottom of the bag!!

by Amanda Michelle May 15, 2008

12πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A set of tits that are not bound by a bra. In escence, they are "free". Origin: Paris, FR 2004

Did you see those freebies?

by shadee February 17, 2005

18πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

freebie list

A list of 5 celebrities who, should the opportunity arise, one is allowed to sleep with without it being considered as cheating by your significant other.

The concept was made popular in the Friends episode 'The One with Frank Jr.'.

Chandler: Does anyone else think David Copperfield is cute?

Monica: No, but he told me he thinks you're a fox.

Chandler: All right, Janice likes him. In fact, she likes him so much she put him on her freebie list.

Joey: Her what?

Chandler: Well, we have a deal, where we each get to pick five celebrities that we can sleep with, and the other one can’t get mad.

Ross: Ah, the heart of every healthy relationship. Honesty, respect, and sex with celebrities.

by QuadrivialMind May 27, 2008

161πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

methane freebie

A coolidiculous and/or offensive term for a very public, very powerful and very smelly fart.

Shame on you if you know how to release a methane freebie in public, especially at the dinner table.

by Sexydimma October 30, 2014

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž