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Girl Friend

Whinny,crazy,obessive females. Your better off with a puppy!

Dani! (ME!)

by homeslice February 29, 2004

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girl friend

Differs from girlfriend, with the exception of the friendzone inbetween the words girl and friend "girl(friendzone)friend.

"Is she your girlfriend, or your girl friend???"

by Nemirov September 28, 2015

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The people you band together when you are a friend. You usually plan other's demises with them and are only together because of a fight or a compromise of that sort. You aren't really trusting of each other.

Can also be used to refer to the term, cheating on ___

May also mean friends that are close and go out to have fun, used for girls in this sort.

Me and my Girl-Friends were planning the demise of our mortal enemy
He had two girl-friends at one time, when they found out he was in trouble
Me and my girl0friends were going out for coffee

by Complete-Awesomeness February 11, 2010

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Referring to a homegirl. A term African American women use to describe their friend, family and sometimes foe. (Used to describe a foe when throwing shade) Can be A girls bestfriend. A girl you fw, your A1 homegirl. Non sexual

Lady 1: β€œ Hey girl-friend, your hair is beautiful!”

Lady 2: Thank you girl-friend!!

Lady 1: β€œGirl-friend!!! Yes you slayed your performance.”
Lady 2: Thank you girl!!

by SuperNYC November 11, 2017

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Girl Friend

Notice the space between girl and friend before you read this.
A Really "Nice" girl who would like to be in your life as your friend, and nothing more or less. Literally just a friend. It literally gets that good, and if you're lucky she'll come at the right time when you're lonely and looking for a girlfriend and think she's interested but nope, she felt bad for your ass and is coming to be your "friend". Which introduces you into the 666th level of hell in which you get the spotlight of listening to her bitch all day instead of getting Pussy, but it's better than nothing right? No, it isn't, have some respect for yourself, that bitch will find another desperate guy as soon as you decide you're tired of her.

Valerie:"Hey Ron! What's up :)"
*Ron is slightly excited because he hasn't had female contact in two decades*
Ron: "O hey :>"
*After a week of talking with Valerie casually Ron decides to get her number because she treats him like the last girl he dated 24 years ago*
Ron:"Hey Valerie, you're pretty cool, we should keep in touch, whats your number?"
Valerie:"Oh, uh I don't really like you like that Ron. I thought we were friends, I'll give you my number though, here, we can talk later :D."


That is a raw example of what a girl friend is. Notice how in her second sentence she gives him a little hope at the end. Always watch for that.

by ImSoNEW April 24, 2018

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Transition Girl(friend)

The first girl a guy with hook up with after coming out of a serious relationship. Usually this girl is his transition back into the dating game but unfortunately she comes with an expiration date. She is only there to satisfy his being in fuck around mode basically a friends with benefits position.

Amari: I hope this chick Kyler hooked up with knows she is his Transition Girl(friend) and don’t start to catch feelings.
Jaison: Yeah I know because she will be in her feelings if thinks he’s going to the level and make her his girlfriend.

by Starving Artist246 December 4, 2022

girl friend experience

an female escort who provides more then just sex.

besides great sex, she provided the girl friend experience such as kissing, cuddling, and hugging

by Eddie O'Hair October 26, 2007

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