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From First to Last

Post-hardcore rock band consisting of members:

Matt Good (Singer & Guitarist)
Matt Manning (Bass)
Derek Bloom (Drummer)
Travis Richter(Guitarist)

The previous lead singer of the band (Sonny Moore) departed 07' following the bands breakthrough album "Heroine" and since then Matthew Good has taken a step up from a role as back-up vocals to leading the band once more vocally as he did in their first album "AESTHETIC"

The band has 4 albums, as following:

-Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Body Count
-From First to Last

PersonInTuneWithTheirCreativeMind: Freaking God, have you heard the new From First to Last album?!

AlarmedStranger: I'm sorry?

by KihatsuseiJuturna July 21, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

From First to Last

First I have to correct many of you, especially Jessi. The band consists of
Sonny Moore- Lead Vocals
Matthew Good- Vocals, Lead Guitar
Travis Richter- Screaming, Rhthym Guitar
Derek Bloom- Drums
They no longer have bass player Jon Weisberg. Jon said on fftl.net's message board that he will be filing a lawsuit against the band for lost monies. He is now in a band called The Tragic. Sonny is 17, his b-day is on Jan 15, 1988, Matt is 21, hid b-day is Feb 11, 1984. Travis is 24, his b-day is Oct 3, 1981. And Derek is also 24, his -day is Jan 30, 1981. They mainly describe themselves as anything you call them. The lyric's for "Ride the Wings of Pestilence" are:
I'LL be hiding in the shadows
I'LL be waiting in the dark
they are not
I'M waiting in the shadows
I'M waiting in the dark.
If you look at Dear Diary you can see it. Sonny is originally from Los Angeles, California. Matt is from Vancouver, Cananda. Travis is the one from Georgia. And Derek is from Seattle, Washington. Thier new album which will be released March 21, 2006 is titled "Heroine". And it will not be released late fall/early winter. But during spring. Aesthetic is just a EP, but Dear Diary is their first official album. Now all the mistakes are corrected. And their were a lot of mistakes from Jessi.

From First To Last are the greatest most talented band ever! Their lyric's are strong, while their music is powerful! FFTL Rox my Sox!

by Andrea G. December 23, 2005

112๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

From First to Last

Fucking godly "screamo" band. They have 2 singers and 3 screamers. Their debut album is incredible. "Dear Diary, My Teenage Angst Has a Body Count"

I'll be hiding in the shadows
I'll be waiting in the dark
to drive this blade straight through your heart
I'll drag your body to the car
as blood races down my arm
I think everyone will wonder where you are

by Kerl October 12, 2004

203๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž

From First To Last

The greatest band in the world, not to mention they have the greatest guy in the world as part of their line up! Of course I am referring to Sonny Moore, who is in fact 18, not 16.

The line up consists of:
Sonny Moore - vocals
Derek Bloom - drums
Matt Good - guitar and vocals
Jon Weisberg - bass and throat
Travis Richter - guitar and throat

Their lastest album, "Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Body Count" is currently my favourite album and should be checked out by all of you. Seriously.The songs are brilliant and my personal favourite would have to be "Populace In Two".

This band's album is a must-have for all you emo kids out there ;)

Lyrics to Note To Self: "Note to self, I miss you terribly, this is what we call a tragedy..."

by xNoteToSelfx July 30, 2005

130๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

From First To Last

An amazing band with extremely taleneted members. They consist of
Sonny Moore- lead vocals
Matt Good- Guitar/ Back up vocals
Travis Ritcher- Guitar/Scream
Derek Bloom- Drums/Growl
and temporarily
Wes Borland- Bass
FFTL has 3 cds released: Aesthetic EP, Dear Diary My Teen Angst Has A Body Count and Heroine. They are also featured on 2 compilation CD's (Taste Of Christmas with Christmassacre, and A Santa Clause with x12 Days of XXXmasx). From First To Last Also has their very own fan club called "KVLT" or..Cult which comes from a term in the Black Metal genre. FFTL was featured on the 2006 Warped Tour, but later dropped off due to Sonny having a Node in his throat, they will be goin on tour very soon. Tour dates will be announced soon. All members of FFTL are in their 20's except for lead vocalist Sonny Moore, which is 18 years of age. From First To Last have released many popular songs including Note To Self and The Latest Plague.

p.s: Just for the record. From First To Last in not part of the screamo genre, they are from the post-hardcore genre

From First To Last is my favorite band, they have so many good songs, my favorite is Ride The Wings Of Pestilence. I'm in their fan club aswell!

by TheLatestPlague123 July 30, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

From First To Last

Note: Sonny is 16 not 15. sorry. i'm picky. and he's fucking short. anyways, yeah "Me" is right.

sonny moore is 16 and quite nice.

by britt December 14, 2004

70๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž

From First to Last

A group of no talent "musicians" whom have made a fortune by wearing make up and selling their shitty, tenuous music, which could be duplicated and surpassed by bagging a hand full of four month old kittens followed by a long thrashing against a solid brick wall.

I made my girlfriend stop telling me about Heroine, because everytime she mentions From First to Last, I think about leaving her.

by FFTLHater August 11, 2006

41๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž