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literal fucking hell of a place

an absolute terrible place that gives people depression for example PPโ€™s spanish class. truly a bad place i must say

this class literal fucking hell of a place

by student of PP December 29, 2018

literal fucking hell of a place

an absolute terrible place that gives people depression for example PPโ€™s spanish class. truly a bad place i must say

this class literal fucking hell of a place

by student of PP December 29, 2018

mother fucking hell pig

a fat ass with no other thing to do in life other then to piss you off

my brother is a mother fucking hell pig
my mom is a MFHP

by 5:-P June 20, 2011

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what in the actual fucking hell is that

When your gf is trying to see your dick

Gf: what in the actual fucking hell is that
3: :(

by The_Mad_Doctor August 20, 2023

fuck to hell

Term used 1)When you screw up 2) When someone screws you over and you find out.

Guy one "Dude your girlfriends cheatin on you.... With me..."
Guy two "Fuck to hell!"

by chris atcherson February 12, 2006

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why is my life fucking hell?

What someone says when they want to know why their life is hell.

what did you expect?


by uh..... wat April 15, 2021

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fucking bloody hell

An expression used to show anger or disgust towards a situation or person.

John: Wow. She's a nice piece of meat, isn't she?
Gary: Fucking bloody hell, John. That's my mother.

by FreeRealEstate January 6, 2018