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gay face

A man, usually homosexual, with a distinctly effete facial structure with some very specific features; a strong jawline that lacks prominence, space between the eyes that recall people with down syndrome, and a sloping long forehead. This is usually regarded as being a very bad thing to have.

Yeah I saw him, nice body, but he's got major gay face.

by DVANT July 11, 2005

64πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž

gay face

the best insult ever

it can also be merged with other amazing insults to make an ultimate insult

"Your a fucking gay face!"

"Gay face, your mum!"

by mr chris April 22, 2005

38πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž

gay face

1. an insult

2. someone with a gay face

1. "what the hell are you looking at gay face?!"

2. "there is this kid in my class that has a gay face."

by (^_^) April 24, 2005

32πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž

Big gay face

Someone who has a very strange face that reminds you of the Crimson Chin from the Fairly Odd Parents

Guy 1: How is Todd?

Guy 2: I wouldn't recommend meeting him... He has a big gay face.

Guy 1: Oh....

by Large-pp August 2, 2019

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Big Fat Gay Face

Is a gay mans big fat face.


Bob: Hey look at that mans face
Leslie: Yeah its fat.

Bob: And he's gay.

Leslie: We've got a case of big fat gay face.

by jimakabillyconnolly January 12, 2012

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Gay Face

Noun: A person or a thing that has a particular shape in their face that makes them look gay ( even if they’re not).
Adjective: Describing someone who has the gay face.

Noun: See that guy over there? He definitely has the gay face.
Adjective: Grandpa, a calm, gentle and gay face man, went walking about an hour ago.

by We are all gonna die March 19, 2023

Gay face

Noun: A person or a thing that has a particular shape in their face that makes them look gay ( even if they’re not).
Adjective: Describing someone who has the gay face.

Noun: See that guy over there? He definitely has the gay face.
Adjective: Grandpa, a calm, gentle and gay face man, went walking about an hour ago.

by We are all gonna die March 19, 2023