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glhf means "good luck, have fun!"

Person 1: I'm gonna go hiking!
Person 2: glhf!
Person 1: thank you!

by Laximus Faximus October 28, 2020


“Good Luck Having Fun” a term used before the beginning of a game to intimidate your opponents and encourage them to think that you are actually smurfing.

“glhf im feeling pretty good today ;)”

by Myrup February 25, 2022


A shortening for "Good Luck Have Fun". Often used in video games such as CS:GO, LOL and Smite.

Example of how a game chat would look like:

*Game starting*
Person 1: glhf (Good Luck Have Fun)
Person 2: gl (Good Luck)
Person 3: hf (Have Fun)
Person 4: hfhf (Have Fun, Have Fun)

by Yohaniz December 16, 2016