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Hilary Goldstein

The Cheif-in-editor of game reviewing company IGN.
He is best known for his shrewd, inaccurate review of SEGA's recent Sonic Series game, Sonic Unleashed.

While playing Sonic Unleashed, he made numerous mistakes as well as purposely messing up to try and prove invalid points that he stated were defects of the game. Because of such events, he gave the game a 4.5 and deamed it as a, "Big pile of garbage."

1. Dude did you hear about Hilary Goldstein? Yeah that dude sucks at Sonic, he sucks at life!

by The Shady Slickster June 28, 2009

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Muddy Goldstein

When your nose accidentally goes into a chicks asshole while 69ing.

I was face deep in a hair box and she sat up and i gave her a muddy Goldstein

by pallet187/NsZ77 May 27, 2013

Jonathan Goldstein

The most talented, never mealy-mouthed, Gimlet interlocutor. Jonny's sarcasm and sense of humor will make you want to listen to all the episodes of "Heavyweight" (available only on Spotify) in three days.

Listening to Jonathan Goldstein brightens my day.

I can't believe Jonathan Goldstein is Canadian - he is so funny!

by notAlexBlumberg February 1, 2022

Al Goldstein

Obese Jewish pornographer and founder of Screw Magazine. Host of the now-defunct cable sex show Midnight Blue.

Al Goldstein is a true American hero

by Bukkake-sensei December 1, 2004

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Leon M Goldstein

located on the kings borough campus in a rich white Russian neighborhood, LMG is famous for being labeled as a "smart school" when in fact that is the total opposite. The girls all dress the same with their Lululemon leggings and long champ bags that make them think they're bad bitches when really they all fight for the same russian guy that cheats ode. The crackheads truly run this school, they gather in the handicap stall and straight up vibe. The freshmen are annoying as hell and think they're amazing when really, they worry about a 97 in Algebra 1. The sophomores girls all look the same- while the guys are simping. The juniors are assholes who run the school and are the most obnoxious and loud people. The seniors don't know how to stay in their lane, and are gross as hell. You will find Goldstein heads in tozt smoking and being gifted kid burnouts. As well as gaining 10 pounds from eating chips at the school store constantly. The underclass men boys are ugly, but the girls judge each other into being "pretty"- shut up oksana. The teachers are perverts and don't know how to teach all . People only like the gym teachers, even though the basketball team sucks. Their SING show really isn't that good and its so overrated. Anyways, goooooodddddmornnninnnng lmg and have a good day.

Adrian: Hey how is Goldstein so far? Isn't it the best school?

Elizabeth: Leon M Goldstein is The best school at being filled with white trash and NO flavor.

by thiccbadie324 March 13, 2020

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Rabbi Linda Goldstein

Raving lunatic, not Jewish but tries to co-opt Judaism and pretends she's a rabbi, but a "cool woke" one, so she can say anti-semitic s**t without anyone being able to call her an anti-semite.

No one:

No one at all:
Rabbi Linda Goldstein: LoOk aT mE i'M a RaBbI bUt nOt aN aCtUaL jEw. My head is far far up my own ass. I don't hold the shit talking sessions that I call "prayer" in Hebrew because it's the ZiOnIsT language, even though it's the literal language the Torah was written in and is 2000 years old. I can't correctly a

by Not_another_s**t October 13, 2021

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Phil Goldstein

A very skilled lawyer with a passion for ladies. He is a must have when you need someone after an injury that wasnโ€™t your fault

Josiah: Hey all these lawyers are super expensive, Iโ€™ll never win this lawsuit

Phil Goldstein: Sir, I am the BEST in west sac for lawyers, I can get you whatever you want, whenever you want, just gimme a call, and you will be smooth sailing from there.

by mbethel8 January 24, 2022

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