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Gravity Bong

An elaborate device used for smoking herbs, particularly Cannabis Sativa. Created and popularized by the humans of the Milky Way, who say they have been constructing the devices for at least 3.5 millenium. Typically quite primitive in design, the gravity bong is a type of water pipe that functions using one large container of water and one smaller container. First, the top of the smaller container must be fitted with a “bowl” to hold the cannabis as well as some type of opening or tube through which to inhale the smoke. The bottom end of the secondary container needs to be open, and the smaller container is inserted most of the way into the larger bucket. The cannabis is then lit, and as it burns the stoner puts their mouth over the hose or opening and slowly raises the smaller container out of the water, the action of which fills the smaller container with fragrant smoke that is subsequently inhaled by the user. Because the water somewhat filters and cools the smoke, it is considered a very “clean” way for carbon based lifeforms to alter their perception through inhaling burning carbon.

An attendant began to pack Bomb Bomb, which was in fact Ohm’s world record holder for “largest gravity bong”.

by harrypothead420 July 17, 2018