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Hamburger Helper

In most schools, the special ed. stutends get to help out the lunch ladies put together the hamburgers, this job is called Hamburger Helper.

Damn hamburger helpers!!! They drooled in my cheeseburger and put gravy on the bun!

by gamma November 16, 2004

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Hamburger Helper

To fuck a girl so hard her pussy is destroyed.

Your at the bar with your buddies and a hot girl walks by. You say to your buddy: "hey jeff, I'm gonna Hamburger helper that broads pussy tonight!"

by Bruce Twayne December 16, 2008

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Hamburger Helper

the name of a contact in your phone that you use to replace the name of a girl or your drug dealer

Aye, Hamburger Helper texted me today and wants to meet

by lmaoobob December 8, 2016

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hamburger helper hands

Thick meaty hands

Calebs got them meaty hamburger helper hands

by Quaf June 3, 2016

Hamburger Helper

An awful meat substitute.

Hamburger helper is as shitty as Spam as a meat substitute.

by Adam RD November 29, 2006

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Ghetto Hamburger Helper

Regular Hamburger Helper prepared WITHOUT ground beef.

Craig: "Lets have this 'Beef Strogie' flaverd Hamburger Helper fo dinner tonight."

Smokie: "But we aint got no meat."

Craig: "It's all good, we'll just make Ghetto Hamburger Helper without meat. I like it better that way inteways."

by 40ozChris June 20, 2012

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Sonoran Desert Hamburger Helper

When a male has anal sex with another male, who has recently had corn in their diet, and ejaculates in the corny feces and the other man defecates onto a pot or pan with Mac N' Cheese and they eat it. Can also be referred to as MCFC

Guy: I totally Sonoran Desert Hamburger Helper-ed that guy last night man!
Other Guy: Did he know that the corn came from you too or did he think it came in the packet?
Guy: Who cares!!

by tbeaversj October 18, 2010

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