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Wounded Healer

A wounded healer is someone that has been deeply wounded from life’s tragedies but instead of letting it tear them apart they let the wound propel them into a greater person to themselves and to others. A person that finds there way back to meaning using all their senses. Sight, hearing, touch, taste and intuition. They manage to go beyond survival into thriving!!

Rise wounded healer! Move forward and thrive!!

by #vally October 31, 2019

spiritual healer

Spiritual healing can be defined as the direct interaction between one individual (the healer) and a second (sick) individual with the intention of bringing about an improvement in the illness.

Harriet is a spiritual healer.”
“Harriet solved my problems!”

by mroon23 July 12, 2020

healer main

A healer main is someone who cares about the team. They heal and thats about it. They are blamed for every death that happens to the team

Player1: FUCK I DIED
Player 2: What went wrong, did you need my help?

by Milesninja February 12, 2017

faith healer

Person who restores one's faith in the opposite sex after a series of bad relationships.

Fran: So it was his idea for you to round off the romantic break in New York with an afternoon's shopping in Macy's? Jesus, that guy is a total faith healer!
Lil: Yup.

by CougarSW2 November 12, 2004

9👍 7👎

Healer cookie

Another name for Pure Vanilla Cookie, But in disguise.

Healer Cookie, I classify you as my faithful servant!”

by YourLittleMeep May 23, 2022

Redo of Healer

The worst anime ever made which is somehow not a hentai when it most clearly is indeed, a hentai. It follows an insanely OP protagonist in a generic fantasy world who is constantly abused by his terrible party in order for them to abuse his OP healing powers which cause him incredible pain. However, when they kill the demon king, the protagonist "heals the world" and goes back in time, beginning his revenge. Tons of rape, both physical and mental, ensue, with an extremely graphic rape scene happening quite literally in every episode. The MC consistently tortures and rapes his fellow team mates constantly in gretitous detail, and turns all of them into basiclly his sex slaves. To justify the MC's atrocious actions, all the other characters are made to be even more evil and unlikable than he is, believe it or not, making you actually root for the demon king and want everyone to just die. It's quite literally rape torture porn without any nuance or point, and it's absolutely deplorable how this show ever got the greenlight in the first place. Absolutely horrific. Worse than "The Legend of Rand" and quite possibly the worst anime ever made. Do not watch. If you want to watch a good "not-hentai" to get your rocks off, watch Interspecies Reviewers. Don't touch this crap with a 10-mile pole.

"Redo of Healer is the worst anime ever made. It's so bad it makes Master of Ragnarok look like Neon Genesis Evengellion."

by KrimsonKatt May 3, 2021

8👍 16👎

Redo of a healer fans

The worst people

Absolutely garbage humans who deserve to be put in jail

Redo of a healer fans are terrible people

by Atheistsarelyingtothemselvs February 11, 2021

22👍 28👎