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The smart ass that is pretty af. boy you better, better treat her like a queen
Another word for "sus"

She is a "hiy". - here it means a pretty and smart girl
I went to the school with a "hiy" driver- Here it means sus

by mooeye July 17, 2022


(Pronounced: eksi / X-Hee)

1. Showing tendency towards exhibitionism or exposing their sexual organs in public

2. Intending to make people notice you

I can’t continue to date him. He’s a little x-hiy and I’d never be able to bring him to a work function.

by Sky Spang September 9, 2020


Any person who uses this blows hella smoke

And talks to swim lads who have salmonella and this person also gets their snaps using a cheesy pickup line

Hii- shows an image of one’s character

by Oxford-dictionary.com June 29, 2023


noooooooooo billlllllllllllllllll niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on the floor unsoopervised

ryan you are a hii

by football9 March 30, 2022


The best person you'll ever meet. Nice, Kind of anything you could ask for she's right there for you. Everyone needs a Hiis in their life.

HIIS is one of my best friends

by Coolkid1081 May 25, 2024