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ed hime

the man who ruined doctor who with a talking frog

“hey did you see series 11 episode 9 of doctor who?”
“yeah i did, i love it until the stupid fucking talking frog. who wrote that shit anyways?”
“ed hime”

by that_ranter December 5, 2020


Someone that spelled “him” wrong.

“I never knew hime was rude!”
“I don’t know why did he even trip you!”
“He was prob trying to do a dirty plan”
Welp im gonna trip his friend”

by Ruler698VR cringe April 23, 2022

quinn hime

A very kind Jew that has no balls. He can only finger people because his dick is small and fragile.

Why won't you do it ? Your being a Quinn Hime

by KingVTootle March 25, 2017