Source Code


Sexy, very appealing

Babe!you look hotter-n-a-TikToker, let's get it on!

by J.A.Mckeown November 4, 2021

hotter mom tiebreaker

Strategic mechanism used by male coaches of youth sports to choose between two or more players who are athletically equal. Often abbreviated as H.M.T.

The rest of the kids available in the rec league basketball draft are all horrible players; we'll have to go to the hotter mom tiebreaker to make our pick.

by cdh121 January 18, 2012

Hotter than a tiktokker

When someone is celebrity sexy enough to sleep with

She was hotter than a tiktokker so I told her to come over

by J.A.Mckeown November 5, 2021

hell of a lot hotter

1. When someone sees someone who is ugly and comments on it to another person.
2. A way of comapring two people.

1. Dude, she was disgusting! She could have been a hell of a lot hotter.
2. Hey, wasn't that girl over there a hell of a lot hotter than this one?

by RabbitManDude June 4, 2017

hotter than a muthafucka

(1) Extremely high temperature in which the brain cannot work properly so it goes to a common word for a description, muthafucka. Used mostly in highly urban, hood, or ghetto areas. (2) May also refer to a highly intense situation. The situation may contain profanity, weapons, rival gangs, a pimp and a hoe, or none these factors which have been listed.

Person One: Aye homie, you been outside yet!?

Person Two: Hell yeah! It's hotter than a muthafucka!

Example 2

Person One: Were you at that dice game when Tyrone pulled out his strap!?

Person Two: Hell yeah! It got hotter than a muthafucka in that bitch! I dipped out!

by Auston H. June 30, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

hotter than 400

Used to describe weather that is extremely hot.

"Man... it's hotter than 400 out here!"

by hXcAMBERhXc August 3, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

hotter than blue blazes

Hotter than blue blazes is a way for hillbilly to say it's hot outside

Ask Priscilla if it's hot out . She said its hotter than blue blazes out there.

by Bearcatkev June 20, 2018

133๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž