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Household High

When someone is so desperate for a high they will try anything in their house.

Man i had the worst household high last night. i tried to smoke a tampon...

by 232323Anonymous232323 May 30, 2009

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household 6

A military man's stay-at-home wife. Sometimes keeps up with the arduous tasks of shining boots, picking up laundry, and shopping, but mostly just a strain on meager Department of Defense budgets, and the military husband. The name is derived from where said wife spends most of her time, and the number 6 is the designation for a commander of a Company/Troop, Battalion/Squadron, Brigade/Regiment, Division or Corps.

I really wanted to go to your going-away party, but household 6 pulled my dispatch.

by Tankboy February 14, 2006

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household ex

Household ex is when your parents loved your partner so much that they decided to adopt him/her after the breakup.

You: Who's that guy?
Your gf: Thats my ex bf, he moved in when we broke up, he is my household ex.

by Strumpstr January 5, 2023

cuckold household

When you have a full lobby of fookin bot shitsticks in call of duty

Weโ€™ve got a whole cuckold household boyz get ready!!!

by Cuckold collectives March 5, 2020

Household CEO

YOUR MOM ๐Ÿ˜, Your birthgiver/ Sha-ma-la-ma-mom-mom/ Momager/ your blood Partner In Crime/ Brommy mommy/ Mammamia

guy1: I think I'll pee my pants if my Household CEO finds me now
guy2: lol what d ya do lol?
guy1: I accidentally broke her favorite vase, she'll beat my ass

by Elena_ December 24, 2022

The Fowler Household

The perfect family restraunt you attend when you want chicken (or turkey) and fish practically every day. Occasionally selling red meat. Mostly Poultry or Fish.

Perfect for those who watch Dr. Oz.

Love of The Fowler Household Peace at The Fowler Household Beauty and The Beast featuring The Fowler Household

by Ravens-At-Dawn April 20, 2011

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Household Six

A term used to describe military spouses. Household is an obvious meaning. Six is referred to as the leader, person in charge, of any size group. Can also be the support group for their loved one stateside.
Also known as the Silent Rank.
Can be heard on Army Wife Talk Radio.

My household six made me my favorite dinner last night.

by Kamme August 12, 2010

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