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How Do You Sleep?

A fucking brutal hate-song for Paul McCartney written by John Lennon.

"Oh, how do you sleep?
How do you sleep at night?"

by I'm trollin November 15, 2011

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

How do you do

You like me and I like you

_Hey how do you do

_ur cringe dude

by Diavo October 17, 2020

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

How do you sleep?

a phrase usually said when somebody does something awfully bad,yet they are fine witΒ΄it.

Wren:how do you sleep?

Shelby:like a child

by JohnnyB.Emo July 20, 2021

How do you emergency?

An emergency can be as personal and small as a bad hair day or as big as trying to improvise during the shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be silly or serious. How do you emergency is a question that travels between the two to provide a sense of empathy and comedic relief.

Some examples of how one might emergency-
-eat tacos
-sing in the shower
-dance wen there is no music
-become horizontal

-dress your best
-stretch your fingers
-pull your toes
-walk indoors
-walk outdoor
-take pictures of what you see
-make lists
-open to page 85
-make a diorama
-place stickers in obscure places
-procure dust bunnies
-write a poem about an orange
-clean up an ant spill

-manage microwaves
-exit the window to the rooftop
-pull the e-brake
-make magic out of wood sticks
-pull up grass blades
-clap your hands
-snap your fingers
-tap your toes

How do you emergency? These days I emergency by counting my chickens and collecting hail.

by AcyrlicAstroTurf March 13, 2021

how do i sleep

how do I sleep?
Step 1: close eyes
Step 2: relax body
Step 3: Discard all thoughts
Step 4: Rest.

Did it work????

How do I sleep?

Hmmm here maybe this will work

by Zalingie June 15, 2022

How do you breathe?

YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT NOW, AS YOU READ THIS! It is the action of simply inhaling and exhaling. which you take in oxygen(among other things) and your cells do some shit called cellular respiratory to take that gluten...Wait no, glucose, and make it carbon dioxide, the very thing that will kill us all. Your respiratory system then takes your shitty carbon dioxide and chucks it out of your system, A.K.A. exhaling, because your body knows that carbon dioxide is bad for you, and instead it hates you for paying more attention to your dick than literally any other part of your body. So in response to this, your body, and everyone else's, yeets that carbon dying-oxide into the atmosphere, which is a small contribution to climate change, but still is there. Still haven't taken a breath? Go to Google images and search, "cool images" and then scroll to the bottom, and when you see "Show more?" or "The rest of this may not be what you are searching for. Continue anyway?" and click yes, or whatever button is there for you to continue. Keep doing this until you have to take a breath, no matter how cool or not the images actually are.

Someone: Oh shit, I can't breathe...I'm dying...
Me: If you're talking this much, you are definitely breathing, don't make me tell you how to breathe.
That same someone: How do you-
Me: How do you breathe? Try it now, it should be easier, since now there's nothing blocking your wind pipe, except a gaping hole. But that should work, right? Cause it just lets more air in, so that should make breathing even easier for you, right?
That same now dead someone: .
Me: Ok. Bye!

by PORGSSSS May 10, 2023

how it do

used as a question to ask how a person is doing, or how you do somthing

gangsta_1: how it do?
gangsta_2: Goooooood, getten me some sweet poon tang
gangsta_1: foshizle?!

by cloak and dagger December 19, 2005

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