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i’m baby

a wholesome way to describe when ur so soft for someone or something that u become completely helpless like a baby

*someone posts a cute pic*
wow i’m baby rn
awe thanks <3

by ultramegahappy April 7, 2019

91👍 9👎

I’m Fine

When a girl is so mad, and a guy asks if they are okay. They usually reply with “I’m fine” If a girl says this to you, DO NOT walk away or you are a dead man. When a girl says “I’m fine” they are worst than bad. The meter goes Perfect, Awesome, Excellently, great, good, okay, not bad, bad, horrible, terrible, I WANT TO DIE, I’m Fine.

(Girl just broke up with her BF)

Guy: Are you okay?
Girl: I’m fine

Guy: Okay Bye.

*Guy dies*

Guy 2: Hey. Are you okay?
Girl: I’m fine
Guy 2: What do you want to do? I am here for you

*Guy 2 and girl gets married*

by Unicorn_Potato613 July 28, 2018

32👍 2👎

i’m hip

It means I know or I’m aware of something

Sarah: This strawberry wine is so delicious

Mark: I’m hip!

by Partygirl4life January 2, 2019

I’m game

down for something, wanting to do it

Girl; hey can I sit on your face
Boy: I’m game

by Blowie1 January 16, 2019

I’m bored

So am I and everyone that searches this

Immmmmmmm booooooooooooreeed really I’m bored

by CantThinkOfUserName September 20, 2018

31👍 2👎

I’m a nonce

Known from famous Shannon Briggs let go (champ) I’m a nonce is a English word for I’m a (pedophile)

Nico: say your welsh

Shannon: I’m a nonce

by Jordan yaaa November 19, 2019

42👍 4👎

i’m cry

I’m crying except you’re too emotional to finish the sentence.

“Fam, here’s a $20 bag of coffee beans for you.”
Bless up, I’m cry.”

by I’m cry May 8, 2019

34👍 3👎