Source Code

ichy scratchy

When your pissed off girlfriend / wife takes your freshly folded undies and rubs them in fiber glass insulation, folds them and puts them back for you to wear.

I gave my boyfriend the good 'ol ichy scratchy lastnight.

by April Arsenic January 27, 2009

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Ichy Jew

An Ichy Jew is a prostitute, who injects themselves with heroine using needles that have been used bu other people. An Ichy Jew is also infected with: syphilis, chlamydia, genital warts, herpes, gonaria and bacterial vaginosis. They also have crabs and do their own blood transfusions.

The name originated from the first 10 Japanese numbers. 1 is Ich which relates to the STI's. 10 is Jew, and there are 10 factors to being an Ichy Jew.
*The Japanese numbers are not spelt like that it is just the sound.

"OMG look at that girl over there!"
"Eeeww she is such an Ichy Jew!"
"Eww IKR?!"

"OMG did you here about (name)?"
"No? Whats up?"
"Aparently she's an Ichy Jew"
"*Gasp* No way?!"

by Brian (Bryony Fraser- Harris) March 26, 2012

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ichi the killer

An unnecessarily violent movie for people who lack morality and cannot function properly in society. Scenes of rape, torture and extreme violence ensure that this movie will only be enjoyed by those elements of society that need to be destroyed.

"That scene in ichi the killer where that prostitute is tortured, has her nipples cut off and is then killed didn't bother me at all because I was raised by serial killer."

by Bagshot April 18, 2006

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ichi michi

Verb: To swarm as craved group of loinclothed midgets.

He ichi michied over the last piece of cake.

by Ryan May 7, 2004

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Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi

Sekai-Ichi is a manga and anime by the author Nakamura Shungiku, who is famous for writing the anime and manga Junjou Romantica. She is a yaoi or boys' love author. Some of her other creations are โˆšW.P.B. (2003)
Castilla (2000)
Hybrid Child (2005)
Junjou Mistake (2008)
Junjou Romantica (2002)
Junjou Romantica Artbook (2008)
Junjou Romantica dj - Chika*Chika 3)
Mangetsu Monogatari (2009)
Picturesque of a Mask (2004)
Restaurant Games (2003)
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (2008)
Touzandou Tentsui Ibun (1998)
Tsuki wa Yamiyo ni Kakuru ga Gotoku (1999)
Umi ni Nemuru Hana (2001)
In the Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi manga and anime, Usagi Akihiko is mentioned, as he is a character in her series, junjou romantica.

The ukes in Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi are so cute!

The whats, in what?
Oh, never mind. You won't get it because you don't like yaoi.

by Moki-Chan June 1, 2011

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niten ichi ryu

Niten Ichi Ryu also known as Nito Ryu (Japanese to English trans: the school of two swords) was a form of Kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship) created by the legendary sword-saint Musashi Miyamoto (birth name : Takezo Shinmen.)

The style is mostly noted for it's use of using two swords in harmony as one...one to parry, and the other to kill (ex.)

From what I understand of the style's history, Musashi was highly trained by his father in Juttejutsu (skill w/ a steel truncheon) in both standard Jutte, and the Manji-jutte (cross shaped truncheon.)

The jutte is a defensive/offensive tool that switches between the two at a blink....the precursor to the modern Sai used to Okinawan kobudo....

A lateral parry w/ a Shoto (short sword) with a counter cut using the Daito (long sword) is a classic example of Nito Ryu (aka Niten Ichi Ryu.)

by ryan @ mobilecomm April 12, 2006

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niten ichi ryu

miyamoto musahsi's sword technique

he used niten ichi ryu to kill the man

by Konner February 14, 2005

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