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Death incarnate

You cant die/nobody can beat you at anything

Superman is death incarnate

by Jonas Flermoen Svendsberget June 13, 2018

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Degenerate Incarnate

A person that is the living form of the word degenerate itself.

Look, don't you know this guy? He's Degenerate Incarnate.

by takeiya! July 13, 2020

stubbornness incarnated


Koala: I don't think alpaca's doing it, he's stubbornness incarnated

by Zachtiktik April 24, 2022

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evil incarnate

People that shit in urinals

People that shit in urinals are evil incarnate

by buddy retard June 21, 2020

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Incarnate Word Academy

Also known as the cube or insane women’s asylum. In the cube one is deprived of fresh air and sunlight.

Girl 1: You go to Incarnate Word Academy (IWA)?
Girl 2: Don’t you mean the cube?

by Hdhdhhdhvdbsjgdv May 21, 2019

University of the Incarnate Word

A private Catholic university in San Antonio, Texas. Technically classified as a liberal arts university but UIW is known mostly for its medical programs: nursing, nuclear medicine, pharmacy, optometry, physical therapy, and osteopathic medicine. Welcomes students of any faith or no faith at all, but maintains a Catholic identity.

Welcome to the University of the Incarnate Word! Go Cardinals!
university college catholic church

by Lonely_Weirdo March 8, 2016

incarnated sperm

baby or foetus.This is my own word this is also a good insult many retarded people wont understand so get off the site.Even though this is true but baby and foeti have small brains so i just believe that, that was the insult basicly it is saying your a dumbass.

Person: I dont like you
Person 2:(ignores)
Person; listen you fucking incarnated sperm!
Person 2: who you callin' old?
Person: you fucking retard
Teacher: wats going on
Person: *stands up on table and screams* YOU FUCKING INCARNATED SPERM!!

by rou rou September 23, 2005

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