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Jack Black

Used in the early 1800's it was the the act of hanging a slave by a car jack.

Damn Billy Jack Blacked the nigger last night.

by PlantationOwner39 January 4, 2010

34πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Jack Black

Half of the God-like metal band: Tenacious D!

The Rock-Brother of Kyle Gass, and the metal LEGEND.
Owns the voice of an angel, and uses it to his advantage, and to ours.
If I had to suggest a song of theirs, to show his amazing voice, I'd suggest "Master Exploder" , because he hits many high notes during that one, and, as a matter-of-fact, he blows someone's mind. The man's head, literally, EXPLODES, because Jack was pointing at him, whilst singing this song.

Basically, Jack Black is a God.

Me: Wow, Jack Black has the best voice I've ever heard!
My Friend: Who?
Me: You're dead to me.

by ThatOneGuyThatYouKindaKnow April 26, 2011

17πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Jack Black

A great actor with such talent I can’t even comprehend.

Just watched Jumangi for the fourth time. Jack Black is such an AMAZING actor!!

by 8888888888888888888888808888 January 2, 2019

Jack Black

v: To take a piss on one's nut sack

"I took a piss on my nut sack and called it Jack Black" -Jon Lajoie

by birdman12468 October 27, 2011

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Jack Black

the greatest dude you'll ever meet in your fucking life ,
he is a GOD in his movie "tenacious D and the pick of destiny" and he's AWESOME !

nuff said.

guy1:who's the greatest guy in the world ?
girl1:Chuck Bass !
guy1:no ! Jack Black !

by CCforrealz October 13, 2010

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Jack Black

One of the many names someone at school has made up in a desprate attempt to insult me. I actually find it quite funny. It's probably the most logical 'insult' I've heard since I do have a Jack Black-ish apperance, a feminine and younger Jack Black, of course, but still Jack Black-ish

The random asshole was childishly amused when he called me Jack Black.

by LaughingNow December 11, 2007

15πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

Jack Black Beer

A premium pre-prohibition style lager beer.

Bartender, I'll have a pint of your finest. Make it a Jack Black Beer.

by beergeek July 3, 2010

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž