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Used commonly by WVU students in the mid 80s and early 90s. To begin the weekend early and start partying early in the week. IE Thursday afternoon Jif.

The guys are jiffing early this week

by Stefan Dejorgavic March 3, 2018

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An OG skeppy meme referencing skeppys name sounding like skippy the peanut butter brand making Jif skeppys enemy, Jif also came and played on skeppys Minecraft server invadedlands.net

skeppy: I hate you Jif

by layaakasomeone March 26, 2021

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A metaphor for semen, on account of how it is creamy and smooth, and how jif sounds like jizz.

I pulled out and jiffed all over her tits. It was awesome

by urbantypeindividual December 4, 2019

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to fart, or beef, in a juicy manner...especially when a stench is prevalent.

I jiffed in the movie theater, and it made the projectionist's eyes water.

by The Real JBT May 7, 2011

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-A mediocre brand of peanut butter
-Short form for Jeff

The native called me "jif" cause he was too high on gas to say "Jeff"

by NativeJif June 17, 2004

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1. A brand of peanut butter
2. A mispronunciation of GIF
By the way that PB&J sandwich is both made with Jif and is a GIF.

1. Sam: Do you want a PB&J sandwich?
Alex: No thanks.
Sam: Okay.
2. Max: That's a nice JIF.
Mema: A nice what?
Max: A JIF!
Mema: Oh, do you mean the brand of PB&J?
Max: No, the file.
Mema: No, it's pronounced GIF.
Max: No, it's JIF.
They argued on.

by Orrinpants September 10, 2021

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Peanut butter Throwup.

Person: Pass the Jif please.

Person 2: You mean this Throwup?

by Professor of words April 22, 2018

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