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A short stinky arab who works with old men above the age of 50
weighs 20 kilo's

you're such a Karam

by Hadchiti May 8, 2023

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a very hot strong man than can beat naif, mini mod, and morab in call of duty modern warfare.

haters: karam ur hackermctacker

karam: im just too good

by travis scott burger October 19, 2020

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1. Irrational through illness: Irrational as a temporary result of a physical condition such as fever, poisoning, or brain injury.

2. Excited: Extremely excited or emotional

3. Also known as Delirious

Omg, I can't believe your being such a Karam right now. Will you stop?!

by Greyndeer December 28, 2018

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is a strong person who is hot As fuck so don't be surprised if he takes your girl. Them most call him for the beast unfortunately because of his strength. He is smart, brave and fast when needed and sometimes he is like a Ninja.
He laughs a lot so that other people think he laughs at everything, but he's laughing a lot because he wants to hide his feelings but no body understands that, and he laughs at boring jokes that perhaps he does not want the person who told the joke to be sad and lose self confidence.

It's a lot of people who hate him but it is also a lot of people who love him.

He is a sex machine some call him. Usually has bitches talking about how good looking he is and how badly they want to suck his big dick.

He is good and smooth when it comes to stealing things.

"you have changed to a Karam"

by JenniferQueen77777 December 11, 2016

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jake karam

a mf baller

girl1: yo who’s that he’s a baller

girl2:must be a jake karam

by jakekaram123497642 April 27, 2021

yara and karam

Yara and karam are a couple in Jordan they have been dating since 2020 and they are so cute

Person 1 : Who are the best couple in amman

Person 2: obviously yara and karam

by Gossipgirl06 April 26, 2022

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Darwish bin karam school

A school filled with insta celebrities(not really famous), rmd mdwa5 in every corner, esta4 7amani is the the school joke. Every Thursday is a boxing match & the school principle is actually the boss for making cheating allowed πŸ˜‚.

Darwish bin karam school: a free ticket to get 90’s

by Oalasje March 17, 2021