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nathan kellogg idiot fuckboy

What Nathan Kellog is. He isnt always like this, only when hes mad. Which is always.

Thats the nathan kellogg idiot fuckboy over there!

by Okay #pseudonym January 15, 2018


Short for Kenny Loggins.

Kellogg's = Heaven Helps the Man

by TidePodIngebrigtsen69 November 27, 2016

Martin Kellogg Middle School

A ghetto ass school In Newington CT that thinks they are rich but they are poor asf. They are filled with a bunch of ghetto white kids who think their the shit.

“ what school to you go to?”
Martin Kellogg middle school
Damn you must me ghetto asf

by Gmpsbsh January 15, 2022

kellogg's kid

When someone is spoon feed things in life and wants to act like someone they not to fit in with the gangsters around them

He's not a gangster he does tiktok dances he's a kellogg's kid

by durbanite dictionary May 3, 2024

Conrad Kellogg

Kellogg is a very powerful opponent, with decent armor and (depending on player character level) generally more than twice as much health as an NPC companion.
Technically, Kellogg is one of the oldest characters in the Fallout series when not accounting for non-human characters (such as ghouls, super mutants or Harold) or humans who spent their lives in extensive cryogenic supports (such as Robert House, Sole Survivor, Stanislaus Braun), although Kellogg's age is a result of cybernetic improvements

Kill Conrad Kellogg

by falloutenjoyer January 15, 2022