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Knob Gobbler

someone who sucks cock (literally) or similar to the term "cock sucker" for someone you think is a dickhead

homophobic term

I dont like Fred I reckon he's a knob gobbler.

by Jaydyn January 6, 2012

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Knob Gobbler

A Knob Gobbler is a term used to describe a woman whose main goal in life is to receive as much "Knob" as possible per day. The average amount of "Knob" per day for a professional Knob Gobbler is about 5, any less is a travesty. Normally a Knob Gobbler would take it in the mouth but the arse is often accepted as a valid mean of Gobbling.

Joe: You see that girl over there? She noshed me right off the other day, TOTAL KNOB GOBBLER!

by Electic_Potato February 28, 2014

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Knob Gobbler

A person who likes to frequently intake male genitalia.

Lucy was such a "knob Gobbler" last night.

by Shadbob October 1, 2021

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knobbed gobbler

when you get smacked in the nuts, usually meant to be a playful thing but sometimes it hurts

Dude, you just knobbed my gobbler!

by Bill Johnson November 2, 2004

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Hobbling knob gobbler

A hideous peg-legged woman who lives under a bridge in the middle of the woods, serving as toll booth attendant for aforementioned bridge. The only allowable method of payment is to allow her to gobble your knob. Much like a crack head in Compton approaches a pusher or trapstar offering fellatio in exchange for crack, the traveler must allow the hobbling knob gobbler to gobble their knob in order to cross the bridge.

I was walking through the woods when i copped some dome from a hobbling knob gobbler.

by no one146 April 18, 2006

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Juicy knob gobbler

That girl/boy who repetitively gobbles knob with some type of juice, this girl/boy could also be know as a cock gobbler

"That girl was gobbling some knob the other day"
Then one may se she is a juicy knob gobbler

by Oidyoi July 11, 2016

Large Breasted Knob Gobbler

The Large Breasted Knob Gobbler is a majestic bird with large heaving breasts and most commonly feeds on knobs. You can most commonly find the Large Breasted Knob Gobbler in the city at night, searching for knobs to gobble. They are generally attracted to locations with flashy lights and loud noises, where they are most likely to find an ample source of knobs.

Waldo: "Holy Shit! Marge! Get over here quick! It's a Large Breasted Knob Gobbler on the neighbors stoop!!"

Marge: "Wow! Pull out your knob and I'll whistle the mating call!"

by Bilboliololo February 25, 2013

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