Source Code

knock knock

when you just don't care what the hell some one is saying.
Deminstrate this by knocking on an object twice and saying knock knock.

" Knock, Knock"
" Whos there?"
" I don't care"

by vicky March 6, 2005

18👍 24👎


Something parents will never do.

Mom:*breaks the door*
Me: Ever heard of knocking?

by Kokichi 0um@ March 15, 2021

116👍 17👎

The Knock

The Knock - when someone knocks on your door to bust you, serve a warrant, or otherwise ruin your day.

Could be in an apartment when the super knocks on your door because you’ve had a friend staying over too long. Could be in a hotel when you haven’t checked out and they’re telling you you’re late and it’s time to leave. Could be in a dorm when you’re having a party and you get busted by the RA. Or could be when the police show up because you’re in deep shit. Probation officer, serving a warrant, anything. It’s bad news.

The knock is from someone in a position of authority, hitting your door to tell you you’re in trouble. You don’t have a choice to open the door or not. The only question is how bad the trouble is going to be.

Oh shit, he got the knock.

I got the knock this morning, I’m out boys, getting evicted as we speak.

Remove me from the group chat, I’m worried about getting the knock after one of you idiots says something that triggers the feds

by Nobødy January 17, 2021


To be sleeping heavily or just normaly, but generaly heavily.

Damn, last night after i F****d that B*** I knocked on her couch.

I woke up this morning to a naked guy knockin' on my kitchen counter.

Last night I drank so much I knocked on the merry-go-round.

by E.C.Tonyes May 25, 2013

113👍 30👎


A state of being tired or exhausted

Man 1: hey would you want to FaceTime later?

Woman 1: nah. I'm knocked

by Annathropology January 18, 2017

40👍 11👎

knock knock

A child hood game that often makes no since what so every. Such as this one that i heard just yesterday.

Knock knock, whos there, bannan, bannan who, arent you glad i didnt say orange?

Noo! i wish you wouldnt have say anyhting at all!

by Mic August 6, 2004

22👍 38👎


A word used to Describe a loud stereo system.

Man, that motherfucker is knocking.

by Onlyfuckedfromtheback April 21, 2021