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last texter

That friend that always sends you a meaningless text after the obvious end of a text conversation, just to get the last text. They do this while totally oblivious to their uncontrollable habit.

OMG, Jan is SUCH a last texter it drives me crazy. The other day, she sent me a text "K" back after I texted her "don't text me, in a meeting." So then I had to dig out my phone again to clear it so it wouldn't keep vibrating for the rest of the meeting!

by rebl girl January 27, 2009

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last legs

Close to the end, wearing out or on the verge of breaking.

This machine is on its last legs, I'll give it another 2 weeks before it stops working altogether.

by jimboble September 24, 2009

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Last in Line

A great Dioism, from the post-Elf years. Has a plethera of significant meanings:

1) A ship without a storm
2) Cold without the warm
3) A laugh without a tear
4) Hope without the fear

John: Hey, Dio, when will we know?
Dio: We'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line

by SpookyTree April 14, 2004

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Last stomp

In Da Hood game on Roblox, 'last stomp' is a term where you get revenge on someone who stomped on you and then leave the game. It means you got them back and you're done playing.

Person 1: *stomps person 2*

Person 2: Bet.
Person 2: *macros over to person 1 and air shots them*
Person 2: LAST STOMPβ€”

Person 2: *leaves the game*

by anonymusbarbie May 9, 2023

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last samurai

A game played with a group of friends in which the challenge is to be the last one left at a place you wouldn't want to be, such as the site of a recent crime.

When played correctly, the game invites certain doom and dire consequences, much like a samurai charge on horseback up a hill into a line of riflemen and automatic Gatling guns.

"Dude, shouldn't we get going? The cops are nearly here!"
"No man, let's just stay here and play last samurai."

"Lol Chris won that game of last samurai after we took turns pissing in the club. He didn't run til he saw security coming!"

"Man Andrew was truly the last samurai when we went camping. We saw some wolves approaching and decided to play last samurai. ...he's still there."

by OBTS March 17, 2010

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last measure

Last Measure is a shock site created by the GNAA, a trolling organization. It uses javascript to display shock images(goatse, meatspin, lemon party, etc), play looping audio of a man saying "HEY EVERYBODY I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!", and spawn multiple moving browser windows. Pressing ctrl, alt, or delete will cause a javascript alert popup which may intercept task manager. It also tries to send "hey everybody I'm looking..." and a link to last measure to everyone on your contacts list in outlook, and it sends whatever is on your clipboard to the GNAA for exploitation. The official version doesn't, but some versions of last measure contain malware.

If you ever accidentally click on a link to last measure, the key is to stay calm. If you freak out you're liable to break something or alert people surrounding you. Quickly press ctrl+alt+del and end your browser process before last measure loads completely. If you're too late for that, just turn off your computer.

There are hundreds of mirrors for last measure. The most common are anything.on.nimp.org, replacing anything with any word or any number of subdomains, and halflife2.zoy.org. The homepage of last measure is lastmeasure.com(SFW), where last measure continues to be actively developed. Last measure is released under the BSD license: it's open source and downloadable.

Person A: "Hey check out this cool site"

Person B: "Ok......god damn it you bast-HEY EVERYBODY I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO"

Person A: "Lol, you got last measure'd"

by theymos March 20, 2008

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The Last Zodiac

Sometimes, I wonder if a soul can only reincarnate 12 lifetimes, and then the soul and memory will be faded and become ignorant again.

Being the last zodiac, I guess they have experienced a lot through previous lives.

You tend to see the childish side, the mature side, the loving side, the fiery side, the knowledge, the ignorance, the wise, the retardation, the enlightened, the silliness, the impatience, the patience, the cheesiness.

They seem to have a little bit of everything.

That is why I write those poems when I'm so in love or when I cry. I criticize when I'm mad. I fantansize when I'm dreamy. So, it's all me. Don't be surprise.

The last zodiac.

by Time CapsuleπŸ’Š July 9, 2022

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