Source Code

leave me dry

She gets all the cum sucked out of you

Oh baby, leave me dry again.

by I love trump February 6, 2018

4πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Leave me alone

It means Don’t go I want attention
In a girls way

β€œLeave me alone!”
This means don’t go

by AlmondMxlky November 11, 2019

12πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

leave me out of the loop

Updated slang for β€œcount me out.”

Hell no, leave me out of the loop!

by Dr Bunnygirl May 26, 2020

Leave me Alone Boots

Boots that are worn to repel and/or discourage the interested from making come ons and requests to be bed-buddies. Designed to befunctional and boring. Very un-sexy

Worn by:

1) The VERY faithful girlfriend

2) The uninterested or uninteresting

Tom: Dude, guaranteed, tonight I'm gonna get with Kayla

Big D: No you're not. She's wearing Leave me Alone Boots. Best to leave her be

*later that night and 5 failed attemps later*

Tom: Dude you were right. I got right smacked on the last one.

Big D: You shoulda paid attention dude. Leave me Alone boots means Leave them Alone

by Te Rog August 27, 2008

Don't leave me flaccid

1. A request made to continue pleasuring a man's genitalia.
2. To stop in the middle of a story

1. I haven't cum yet! Come on, don't leave me flaccid!
2. And then.... what!? You can't stop like that, don't leave me flaccid!!!

by MasonLeButton July 17, 2017

leave me the fuck alone

Aggressive way to ask that someone or a group of people cease to continue to annoy the fuck out of someone.

Leave me the fuck alone, for fuck sake! I can't even masturbate in private; much less do anything else. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!

by PineappleJuice March 25, 2015

112πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

leave me in your mother

A phrase, origin of which is in Hebrew and now is probably the most popular phrase in Israel. It's equivalent to "leave me alone" but carries a kind of sarcastic meaning. it's usually used when someone proposes to you something and you just refuse because it either doesn't interest you or you just don't care.

He: Hey man let's kick his ass outa here
Me: ahhh...Leave me in you mother

by Yevgeny March 9, 2005

648πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž