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Liquor Lobotomy

The act of drinking heavily to induce a blackout intended to wipe out a bad memory.

Also used to describe the act of waking up from a blackout night and getting totally smashed again to keep those memories from surfacing.

Oh man, I can't believe I just banged that chick. Gimme a bottle of Wisers, I need a liquor lobotomy.

Jesus christ, I just saw your grandmother naked! Pass me that bottle, I need a liquor lobotomy!

Jill: Do you even remember what you did last night?
Jack: Uhhh....no...nothing. The entire night is a blank.
Jill: Drink this. You're gonna need a liquor lobotomy.

by Somtaw January 26, 2010

liquor sicc

drunken rage, or down to ride hella drunk
see da word sicc

I'm liquor sicc and I just might lose control
so load your clips loccs cause we ridin for our foes
-brotha lynch hung

by Rain CiiTy September 20, 2009

Liquor Bones

Aches and pains throughout ones bones, as a result of multiple day's of binge drinking.

Liquor Bones may lead to early onset Osteoporosis

Symptoms may include but are not limited too: Dry knuckles, Shaking Hands, Loss of Motor Skills, Sore Bones, Tooth Aches, Sweat glazed skin, Blurred Vision.

Some people have reported symptoms of aching bones combined with their face feeling like a cooked ham

Hey Warren, I have the worst Liquor Bones from the last couple days of drinking.

O man I have the worst case of Liquor Bones after drinking that entire 26 last night.

by Bone Master JG/JP February 24, 2012

Liquor Lesbian

Heterosexual female who, after the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, engages in agressive flirtatious behavior with other females.

When drunk, the liquor lesbian wants to feel your breasts, grab your cooch or continuously tell you how "hot" you are. As soon as she's sober she can't recall the "incident"

by Jess G April 24, 2007

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liquor cycle

moped or scooter that is driven after you have lost your license after driving drunk.

I have to leave for work an hour early today, my liquor cycle only does 30 mph, downhill.

by dcsd1913 June 20, 2007

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Liquor Cabinet

A place of worship, royalty and wealth.

Located outside of Gore Bay, ON, Canada.
Come for a couple cold ones.

Tade exclaimed "The Liquor Cabinet is better than the LC Big Dirtys"

by Cab4Lyfe February 27, 2018

Liquor Demon

One who becomes possessed when intoxicated, acting in a outrageous, messy, and sloppy manner. You can identify a liquor demon by their pirate slang, sleazy eyes, high riding skirt, messy hair, abusive behavior towards their friends and loved ones, and by carrying a "mickey" in her purse. Legend has it, that the original liquor demon originated in the Comox Valley Area. Also known as Liquor Pig.

"I wanted to take her home until she went all liquor demon on me and threatened to hit me with her shoe"

by Friends of the LD July 11, 2008

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