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A unusually large amount of ejaculated semen.

Dude, I totally just loafed all over her face. It was so messy, she needed a blanket to clean up, a towel wouldn't suffice.

by LoafCrew July 5, 2015

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noun. a chunk of bread

"I ate that loaf you bought."
"You bastard!"

by bill November 21, 2002

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A tern used to describe a thousand dollars

Ex; "yo I made a loaf today."

"Damn a whole a g. Word!"

by angeredadonis April 1, 2010

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loaf - to headbutt someone in the face.

I loafed that stupid pig right in his stupid fucking face.

by Robin Farrell July 30, 2004

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A fat, obese, and gross person that wears clothing that doesn't fit them. Their rolls of fat normally slide out of their shirts.

loafyyy, your so fat

by bibabo April 21, 2007

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referring to someones oddly shaped head that resembles a bread loaf.

holy that guy has a huge loaf

by bob hermansonton March 22, 2006

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hair-do, particularly that of a guy whose hair is not short yet doesn't budge.

(to a friend, before approaching a girl): Yo, how's my loaf?

ex. Vanilla Ice, Jimmy Johnson, Ace Ventura

by anon March 28, 2005

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