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Delusional Trump supporters

Look at those MAGAts cry & whine because they can’t except reality

by RealityOverFantasy2020 November 7, 2020

6041👍 8128👎


An acronym the radical far left uses for proud patriots

Can you believe Jerry stood for the pledge?

What a MAGAT.

by bgnig August 9, 2022

170👍 174👎

MAGAT Republicans

Acronym for Morons Against Government And Truth. Founded and funded by the most corrupt and stupid political demagogue since Mussolini.

MAGAT Republicans are an existential treat to democracy and civility through the world.

by maninboulder September 2, 2022

64👍 8102👎


MAGAts: Menacing Autocratic Megalomanical Authoritarian Trump Sycophants

"On 6 January 2021, MAGAts paid a 'normal tourist visit' to the Capitol Building of the United States of America - and democracy and the Republic would never be the same."

by LowCountry July 21, 2024

1👍 118👎


To shove your foot up your partners ass so your 4th tow exits through the penis or vajina

Hey colton wanna magat

by BRONKASARUS March 7, 2023