Source Code

God of Maple Syrup

Ryan Wertenberger

Man, that Ryan kid...he's the God of Maple Syrup

by Demosthenes April 18, 2004

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Maple Syrup Land

Maple Syrup Land is a codename for the sacred land of canada. It is full of horny people *cough cough lilly* and nonces

Lilly: i’m so fucking horny rn😭

by YOURLOCALTRXSHBUG November 12, 2022

Maple Syrup Slurper

A pejorative word defining someone of Canadian origin

Andrew Tamchyna, you are such a maple syrup slurper.

by ruggerhuh March 3, 2011

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Maple Syrup Surprise

During sex, right before the man ejaculates, he pulls out a bottle of maple syrup and squirts it all over the girl, whilst yelling MAPLE SYRUP SURPRISE

"I maple syrup surprised that girl until she looked like my Eggos."

by BoilBoyleBoile March 21, 2010

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Maple Syrup ...French Toast

may-puhl seer-hup pause fre(en)nch toh-st

1. A common greeting between friends.

2. A song by the band Gruvis Malt.

3. A damn fine delicacy.

1. "Hey, buddy. Maple Syrup." "Dude ...French Toast. I haven't seen you in ages!"

2. "Did you hear the new song by Gruvis Malt? Its called Maple Syrup ...French Toast."

3. "Damn. I'm having an orgasm from this Maple Syrup ...French Toast. Its like an orgy in my mouth."

by Mike of the Jungle September 20, 2005

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maple syrup urine disease

So like basically when ur pee smells like maple syrup. Kinda cool ig. Does it also taste like maple syrup?

Person1: you why tf does it smell like maypole syrup.😈
Person2: I plead the 5th
Person1: oh ok. Thought u had maple syrup urine disease for a second.
Person2: why would u assume such outrages assumption! (Blushes nervously)

by Alister the great January 28, 2022

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Checking your maple syrup

It’s when someone catches a homeless man jerking off a dog while going out for pancakes

Checking maple syrup
When someone catches a homeless man jerking off a dog when goo out for pancakes

I was going to meet my mom at ihop but then saw a guy checking your maple syrup

by Hiveadventures69 April 20, 2022