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Moolie Martini

a delicious drink consisting of Bartons Vodka and Kool-Aid.

Any flavor of Kool-Aid will do. I like my Moolie Martini with Cherry Kool-Aid.
"Hey John, fire up the grill and I'll make us some Moolie Martinis"

by shamroxnshots April 20, 2009

19👍 2👎

Hampshire Martini

Coined in a Hampshire College Mod kitchen many times over, a Hampshire Martini is any mixed drink made using a needlessly large Mason Jar in lieu of a traditional Cocktail Shaker. Despite the mention of martini in the title, any cocktail recipe can be employed, as long as one assembles the contents in a jar over ice, shakes or stirs accordingly, and then uses the Mason Jar's lid to strain the liquid into the appropriate glass: another mason jar.

"Any real Hampshire student, given the do-it-yourself nature of such a wonderfully liberal college, would not be caught dead without making their cosmopolitans up Hampshire martini style."

"Even the neo-marxists?"

"Sweetheart, especially the neo-marxists."

by Drunk Div III November 2, 2009

Pink Martini

1. A cosmopolitan, or a Vodka Martini made with cranberry juice.
2. A pussy juice cocktail, made with Vodka and coochberry juice.

I would like to give you a pink martini.

by Chestnut + Hazel April 14, 2019

Trayvon Martini

noun - alcohol

A vodka cocktail in the martini family flavored of watermelon and garnished with fruity candies.

Mixing Instructions:
1 part Everclear
1 part Arizona Watermelon
1 handful of Skittles

Warning: One shot and you're on the ground.

"Gotta be careful with that Trayvon Martini, man, you'll wind up facedown in the street."

by Drew182 June 18, 2014

105👍 18👎

martini elbow

Similar to tennis elbow but obtained by a bartender after vigorously shaking martinis all night long

I was unable to pump the monkey after work last nite because I had a severe case of martini elbow.

by Johnny Tats September 14, 2007

Juicy Martini

An extremely sweet-talking, hot and sexy (yet intelligent) Italian-American man with a very large lower region and hips that are faster than Nascar.

He oozes sex-appeal from every cell in his body and any woman who crosses his path can't help but fall madly in love with him.

He is the masturbation material for *many*.

"God I really need my world rocked tonight, I think it's time for a juicy Martini!"

by McCupcakes May 29, 2009

filthy martini

a martini made with vodka, black olives and pepperocinis

my filthy martini was so dirty that I choked

by Michelle Martini April 9, 2009