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masshole merge

The method used by drivers from Massachusetts to merge in a construction zone - driving as far in the lane that is ending and then forcing traffic to stop in the continuing lane as they force you to hit them or let them in.

That guy tried the masshole merge and got himself an ass full of Peterbuilt

by Ihatemassholes June 20, 2015

merge hopper

An aggressive asshole driver who decides that he is so much more important than everyone else in a traffic jam that he ducks out of traffic into the clear merging lane to overtake a few dozen cars, only to fuck up the traffic even more as he tries to get back in to the jammed traffic lane.
worst driver cunt asshole redneck punk shithead rice rocket street racer racer nitro

Jean is driving on a busy thoroughfare in LA when Click the aggressive driver jumps out of the curb lane - as a typical merge hopper does - onto the merge to pass 50 cars. Jean sees him coming in her rear view mirror, pulls out her 45 and blows the tires out of Click's car causing him to ditch. Click is okay, VERY LATE for work now, and no longer a threat to traffic for this particular day.

by psiscott April 9, 2006

48πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

urge to merge

the tendency (usually attributed to lesbians) to become the same person. They start wearing the same outfits, doing everything together, essentially becoming the same person at the horror and disgust of their friends.

Alice: Have you seen Dana and Tanya, they are wearing the same outfit in similar colors.
Shane: must be the urge to merge.

by shaazaaam December 19, 2008

108πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Ass merging

When two homies connect their assholes creating super long tunnel between their mouths. This manouver isn't gay tho

Jacob: β€žHey, bro, have you ever tried ass merging?β€œ
Felix: β€žNo.β€œ

Jacob: β€žAnd do you want to?β€œ
Felix: ...

by ElPapo131 March 13, 2020

Belly merge

The act of two people pressing their bellies together and imagining that the contents of their stomachs are being transfered from one to the other. Often done in conjunction with listing the things one has eaten that day.


by William Edwand Moran August 5, 2008

Chicago Merge

An especially shitty way of driving. Basically, you get as close to someone's bumper as possible before you merge in front of them effectively cutting them off. Commonly seen from FIBs in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin

Josh: that's called a Chicago merge.

by BigDikFil February 5, 2017

Midwest Merge

Immediately going from the merging lane to the far left lane.

Did you see that Fiero cut across 4 lanes of traffic? That was a Midwest Merge!

by be_ek April 21, 2009

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž