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Costa Mesa

Costa Mesa or as currently known as "Costa Mexico" or "Costa Manthisplaceisawesome" is a small city outside of Newport Beach. Here is where you get the laid back beach vibes without the snobby attitude. It's where hipsters meet family life as both can coexist in perfect harmony. Also nicknamed the "City of the Arts". You can find funky shops, restaurants, and places for sweet sweet hangs. You funky fresh and can't leave OC ? Move to Costa Mesa.

Ryan is super artsy, so he moved to Costa Mesa to be artsy and drink chai with his artsy friends.

by Sarahlou August 14, 2014

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scary mesa

housing section on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. known for being ghetto and low quality.

I hate living in scary mesa, its so ghetto!

by lcpl smuckatelly October 16, 2010

Rio Mesa

Rio Mesa is a place of all different types of people. Located out in the boonies, a drive out to a Friday night football game can be a little spooky. Watch out for cholos as the place is crawling with them. Jocks, nerds, black people, sluts, partiers, gamers, you name it. Rio is not like other high schools though. It has more of a family atmosphere than most, and it seems as though everyone knows each other. As most of the student body population are Mexican burnouts who hangout in the halls, the white kids from this side of Camarillo have to stick together. One other thing to watch out for are the seagulls. Also, beware of loud whistling sounds, as these are just noise makers used to scare the birds away from the many surrounding strawberry fields around the perimeter of campus, not gunshots (as some Cam High fags might tell you they are). Overall Rio Mesa is a pretty spirited place. The student section, recently referred to as "The Legion", love to chant the names of the team's best and most popular players and these Spirited Spartans always make football games and basketball games a great time. Rio's most talented sports program other than the football team (not of recent years, but prior to the 2013 football season), is probably the track team, which is known state-wide for being fast as hell. Rio Mesa isn't all that bad and does have some good things to offer the world; other than Marijuana, criminals and Strawberries.

Rio Mesa High School

by T-Raww7 February 24, 2014

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Hesta Mesa

Greek: ฮงฮญฯƒฯ„ฮฑ ฮผฮญฯƒฮฑ

Literally: Shit in!

Used to describe an awkward, stressful, dire, beyond any hope, and totally out of control situation with an extreme mentally painful and totally negative beyond repair outcome, where, consequently nothing can be done to fix or alter ones broken dignity, ego, and the painful reality around such an outcome, and therefore the mental scar lives with the so called "Hesta Mesa" perpetrator indefinitely.

Must not be confused with the English expression "shit!!", this would be an understatement. A "Hesta Mesa" occurrence is far more intense. When one shares, or, is observed during the course of a "Hesta Mesa" event, it's synonymous to attempting to tolerate an involuntary bowel movement, and further, as if the "Hesta Mesa" perpetrator was caught taking a "shit in" such event as it unfolded; all due to the mental stress of the event. It's this level of indignity and mental suffering that a perpetrator or victim of a "Hesta Mesa" event must endure and live with.

"Hesta Mesa" outcomes typically occur when one attempts something new, and, a lot of the times when one is out of their comfort zone, which makes it funny to an observer come victim.

Ay re! how are ya?! ...how's the new boat going re? 22ft huh!? Fantastic re!

Was actually 18ft ft re...but yeah n'not kala (good) re...took it out last s'savatokiriako (w'weekend)...w'was coming back in high s's'surf re...the w'wave come in too quick behind us, a'and, almost capsized us re...almost d'd'drowned giagia (grandma), but lucky I brought along my only life jacket and got g'g'gagia to wear it re...b'but...my b'boat re...it float a little while f'full with w'water re...but I was too c'close to the p'pier and the second wave s's'smashed it there...it s's'sunk re...

O re malaka! hesta mesa!, will you buy another?

M'M'Maybe next year re...

Well make sure you don't take giagia re!

by man.in.greek May 19, 2017

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costa mesa

Sometimes known as "costa misery," this area just north of Newport Beach is home to affluent Orange County residents and is actually quite nice. They are not usually as rich as people in NB, yet the area is quite nice. There are some cool parks in and around the city. It's pretty calm, as well.

"Costa Mesa, I love thee."

by surrealfx June 1, 2006

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Mesa Arizona

A city that is about 15 miles east of Phoenix. It's population is over 430,000 people making it the 3rd largest city in Arizona, and 38th largest city in America. It was founded as a Mormon colony in the 1870's, and since then even though the Mormon percentage of the population has decreased, they still rule the city. In the 1920's the Mormons built a temple in downtown. Now about 1/4 of Mesa is ghetto. About 1/5 of the people in Mesa are Mormons. Mesa is home to two high schools that hate each other's guts: Westwood, and Mountain View. Mesa is a city that seems like it NEVER ENDS! Its boundaries extend well into the deadly deserts of Arizona even though the city borders other suburbs at almost every side; the city just hasnt built in these desert areas. Yes while only 1/5 of Mesa is Mormon, they still run the entire city. Their little temple will still probably be around even if the permit for it doesnt exist or it expires BECAUSE MORMONS RUN THE ENTIRE CITY!!! In West Mesa you find one of two parts of Mesa's ghetto. But West Mesa is more ghetto than South Mesa. There are other small ghetto neighborhoods around Mesa, but the center of Mesa's ghetto is in the southwestern part of Downtown. Much of Mesa is in the Arizona Legislative District 18. Yes Mesa does have a bunch of check cash places. Yes there are PLENTY of convenience shops like Circle K around Mesa. Mesa is like the ultimate Suburbia that people think of in this modern world.

UD requires an example about Mesa Arizona so I guess this will be the example.


Person 3: "OK LETS GO!!!"

Person 2: "I wanna go too! D:

by LOLTurtles November 14, 2011

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mira mesa

mira mesa is a place in north san diego. it is an awesome place to live. known for asians and pacific islanders.it is very expensive to live here, and it is also dangerous for certain individuals. also the home of the marauders, the mascot for mira mesa high school, which is located on mira mesa boulevard.

mira mesa is tight....i wanna go back...

by highrida4rmgrapestreet BBK March 27, 2005

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