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Getting Mitchy

Dates 24 girls but dumps them as soon as he finds a new one. A smoozer to the core, oily as an Asian wok, and white as paper. Calls himself the Asian Girl Carousel (AGC), and tells the girls he dates that it stands for the All German Club. Most notably, he guns you, as in after he's walked all over you, and pretends like everything is still dandy, he'll give you the guns. On good days, he will repeat your name twice. When he is in a hurry, he will get Mitchy with you in a drive-by gun fashion.

"JillJill...!! <pow pow> Howwww's it goin? Yeah? Oh man, I'm so pumped! Let me tell you what, JillJill...I've gotta go do something completely selfish and unhelpful to anyone but myself...see ya 'round, JillJill! <powpow>"

by Yoko February 17, 2005

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Mitchie Betshwayi

This is when you become a poes. You could simply be a poes at times, and not be at other time. However, if you become one, it cannot be undone there it's permanent.

That hun at the club was being a Mitchie Betshwayi

by splitHaven November 10, 2021

Yung Mitchy

A male who steal other mens ladies and gets a lot of pussy.

Yung Mitchy stole Dan the titty man girlfirend

by William Cosby 420 6969 February 1, 2018

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Mitchy Touchdowns

The redshirt freshman sensation sweeping the nation. Also known as Mitch Trubisky. Plays quarterback for the University of North Carolina. Scores lots of touchdowns.

"Hey man, fuck Johnny Football, Mitchy Touchdowns is the best freshman QB of all time."

"Oh my god did you see the game this weekend? Mitchy Touchdowns went off for 11 TDs."

"I would totally gargle Mitchy Touchdown's thick juicy man cum."

by Mitch's Bitches April 16, 2014

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Mitchies Boys

A pack of mad cunt footie (rugby league) players from brisbane australia....

Oh fuck we is playing the mitchies boys 2moro.....

by mitchy pride October 14, 2008

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Mitchy Fezz

Extremely fezz person. Presently been stalked and has had P-Plates stolen by some girls a few years his junior. Very odd male or female who looked better with longer hair. Looks like a 'drowned rat'. Also massive creep.

'Mitchy Fezz? Oh you mean the drowned rat! Yeah, he's a drowned rat.'

by BIG LETTERS! September 3, 2008

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Mitchy Tay-Tay

Another word for a 281er. Typically a boy who goes to camp and everything in his trunk is either Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, or Ed Hardy. Preferrably Ed Hardy. This person gels his hair on a regular basis, even while attending camp. He rides horses wearing oversized basketball sneakers and when he lifts up his arms the disgusting scent of Ed Hardy deodorant flows out of his shirt. This person also claims himself to be a "pothead" although hes never touched weed in his life.

"Wow he frosts his tips before he goes to bed"
"He's such a mitchy tay-tay."

by me8576 October 20, 2009

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